43 Why did kiss me .

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         She hits him on his right arm . Why did kiss me . To make you clam down, are you ok now ? She don't even say a word . And leave from there . Wait for me . Both are looking the place , she come to a shop . She was looking the hair pins . he was looking the pins , while looking his eyes go on red blue pin the pin has ghungroo ,he take a hair pin in his right hand .he said to seller :I will buy this one. 'Ok,. She still looking for pin, he look at her and puts pins in her hair .

  Using her right hand she touch the pins . She look at him .This is going and also looking good on you . 'Ok, i don't mind if you like it . Let's go . He hold her right hand with his . Both  hanging out together, and both are happy together , all the time he was holding her right hand in her hand . She said to him: Wait, wait, wait. What's wrong ? Look there. He look at there . People's are playing game. She was looking at him very cutely. No,no ,Erin ,no i know what you are thinking , no . Please, just for a while.

  Ok, let's go to see. Thank you. He moves his hand over her head. Don't mess up my hair. Both looking the game . This is too dangers , how they are doin this ? Its not hard for them, they get trend for this . While looking the game suddenly the arrow comes towards her to hit her ,but misses by a little . she gets scared . Lets go from here .ok. At the same time a woman through water toward her,before can save her someone else save her by pulling her toward him by holds her hand , she look up to his face .

But before she can see he leave from there. She trun back to look Yan . Guards are standing around her and have put sword on her neck . Yan look at place water dropped the place has got all burned down . She go behind the man who save her .She rush to see him. He ask the woman : Why did you do this? Who send you ? She don't gives any answer and eat the poison had in her necklace . The woman gotta die on the point . Find the person who send her . I want to in any condition . Do quick .

  Erin right now it's not safe to stay here . Let's go back ,Erin . He look back to see her but when he see she is not beside him he got worried about her . Erin ,where are you? Shu find her . Both go separately to look for her. She was looking for a man who saved her . Where did he go? I am sure he is brother . But where is he? She trun arounds, she looking for him
, and also Yan was looking for her. Suddenly someone hold her right hand . She gets shock to see his face .Shockingly his name come out to her mountain

Prince . He hug her. How are you my dear sister . She still was in shocked. He make her way and hold her both cheeks by his both hands . What happened ? Are you still in the shock ? Erin its me , your brother . I am Prince . She was still looking in the shock and suddenly hug him again. I missed you brother , I missed you very very much. Me too. I missed you trophy maker girl . After hearing the wordd tears comes out from her eyes .
She goes away . Why are you looking at me like this?

Are you really front of me ? She pinch him on his arm . Ouch! While smiling she said: Its really you , its you . Oh my god , its you Prince , its you. I can't believe it . Oh my god!,oh my god !,oh my god! Its you . He was smiling . She was talking nonstoply : Are you ok ? How can you be so normal ? We have meet after so long time , and your reaction is so simple. How can you do this with me . I am really happy finely I find you after Twp year seven more , finally .

  I have so many questions to ask you .She started asking him question nonstoply : "First, How are you? All the time where you are ? How did you come here ? If you are here then why don't you come to meet me ? Why are you missing for long time ? What happened to you that you came here"? Clam down . Ask me questions one by one . Ok, you . I still can't believe it that you are standing front of me right me . He hits on her forehead. Do you believe now ? ,i am standing front of you right now . She smile . Yan come and hug her .

Prince surprise to see him . Why did you left my side ? I got worried about you so much . Why did you do this? I thought someone had did something to you. Excuse me , who are you , and why did you hug my sister ? What did you said ?, your sister, who is your sister ? By holding her right hand Prince pulled her towards him. Why did hold my girl hand ? Your girl. Both ask her together . Erin who is he ? She is understanding how to tell her brother. he ask her again: Erin who is he ? Prince shake her by holding her
Shoulder by his right hand .

My dear sister ,'how is his ? Both was looking at each others . Hey!, hey! Both of you just stop . I feel like you both will started fighting right now . I said stop eyes fighting . Again both said together . Tell me really , who is he? Is he is Really your brother ? Ok, both of you stop and ,and (she was nervous to say) and listen what I am saying . Brother, I am your little sister so please don't get angry on me , please. I think you forget we are twins . No, I really . Ok, then.

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