13 There is no one to save you .

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We come . This place is different from last .

Yeah , .

Why did we come over ?

Because I want that flower.

He ?

Yes , .

But that flower is in the water, how will you take it ? The water will be too deep.

But i want that . Okay then I will go and get the flower for you . No , I will go . You stay here .

she started going in to the water to get the flowers .

She starts plucking flowers and only then a man comes out of the water with a sword. She gets scared and turns back. Su shouts loudly, My Lady. She turns back and looks at her and then starts running. Those men were also running after her, she says while running.

run Su .

'My lady, .

'run, .

Su starts running from there . Both hide behind the big stone .

I tell its denger to come here but you would not listen to me . Stay quite . You go this way . But you . You go and tell Yan about all this . He wi come to rescue me, okay ? Now go . what are you looking at me ?, go . She run .

They hear a voice and going to behind her she see them . Don't be scared Erin . You can do this .

She stand up and whistle

And then run to another direction they all follow her . While running she is breaking trees small branches .
Suddenly a man come front of her , she takes some step back , he comes forward and going to hit her with sword but she kick him and run .

All the men caught hold of her all stood around her in a circle.

Where will you run now ? There is no one to save you  .

There is no need for anyone to save me. I alone am enough for all of you. A man comes forward to kill her, but she bends his hand and throws him down.

And everyone else is also suffering a lot from her martial arts.
After a long time i used my martial arts . Have fun . She starts leaving only then others come there.

Today's day is very bad for me . she run again . When she was running, a man who was hiding behind a tree hits her on the head from behind and she falls unconscious there .

Was running a lot, didn't run now, didn't run now, what happened now? He was about to kill him but their leader brings his soles in between and stops him.

stop . but why ? . now she knows about us if we leave her she will go and tell everyone about us, then what will do us ?

I don't say we will leave her alive , we will kill her but not now . If we kill her now we would not get anything . She is looking like a rich familys daughter . we will aks her family money and after getting the money , we will kill her .

Picked her up and let's go . They picked her up and put her into the horse .

Yan came to meet her but saw that she was not there. where she went? He remembers that she had told him that she was going somewhere.

But she should have come back by now, till when has she not come back, has anything happened to her? He comes running and sits on his horse. He was about to leave but then Su comes running there. He gets down.

She come to him and And bowing down him .

What's wrong with you ? What happen , where is Erin ? Say something . Where is she .

My lady .

When we reach their . Some robbers come out of waters and attack on us .
my lady tell me to run and come to you and tell you everything .

"are you crazy ? , why did you heft her alone there ? Don't you know how much dangers is this ? Why did take her there " ? I didn't take her there . I her that place is very dengers but she doesn't listen to me .

Please save my lady .

He call his commander .

'Yes , "my Lord " .

Take some soldiers with me.

Do you want to go out somewhere?

Erin has been kidnapped by someone, we have to rescue her and bring back safe . Come on now . He takes his sword and goes away.

Erin has to be saved . Didn't understand anything . Everyone leaves to go to that place . Su was with them too .

The robbers bring her to the place where all lives. They bring her to a room and put her down . tie it with a big wooden bamboo and leave from there .

           Everyone leaves to go to that place  .  Did you see which way she went ? Maybe on that side . Ok . he says  to guard  .

look everywhere  . I want her in front of me as soon as possible . Go now.

Everyone goes to find her .

   Erin  regains consciousness and moves her hands. My hands." Why am I here? What kind of place is this? She tries to free herself. It's too tight. She looks around for something to cut  rope of  her hand . What should I do now ?

Yan was looking for her, he shouts her name loudly  . Erin . where are you ? can you hear me ? Erin  .

While searching, his eyes go to a broken tree branch and then he moves a little further and sees another branch.

What is this ?

He starts going ahead. While searching, he reaches the place where the man had taken her with him .

It is over  .what can I do now Where did they take her from here ? He looks everywhere. Unable to understand  . He angrily says ::  After all, what was the need for her to come here  ?


All the guards come there. Did you find anything? No . we have looked all over here  but we didn't get anything nor any mark that i we know where they tak her  .

Yan shouts at them. What does it mean that now then no clue was found  . " What are you guys doing for so long ?" Go and find her  . I said go ? And don't come to me until you know anything about her, go now  .

Thank you for readying my story I hope you injoy this part 🙏🙏🌹🌹

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