73 No, no you are not my Erin .

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She was looking at him like she is regretting for telling him and ook a sip of a coffee . Boss, please can you listen to me ? If this is not a matters then what is the problem ? the problem is your mother wants us to get married soon as possible .


Yes , and see this what she has give me .She show him his family ring . Han family ring . Yes, your mom give me this . And said, from now on call me mother . He smiles . Boss, why are you smiling ? I am talking on serious matter . Yes ,you are. But there is no need to worry about anything .

You are at understanding but I want to say . What I am saying is she know our relationship and she want us to get married soon but I don't want to get married now . Your mother also said. After my brother come back she will meet my brother to discuss about our marriage . So what is the matter. She just want us to get married, right? So let's get married . We love each other. So let's get married . Let's go to
register office tomorrow and get register our marriage . She stand up .

You are not understanding . And she started leaving . He hold her right hand and stop her . Come sit and here . Tell me . She was sad . I don't want to say anything . Don't be mad at me . I am not mad at you . Then look at me and tell me . what you want to do . I will do as you said . I just don't want to get married right now . It's not right time and also I am ready for big commitment . And marriage is life time commitment . So you are not ready for marriage us life time commitment .

Yes, I am not ready and I don't want anyone to force me into this . Okay, no will force you . No one will talk on this matter again . Until you get ready we will dated each other . Just the way right now . Don't take tension too much. You don't look good when you get sad . Whenever you smile you look more beautiful . So always keep smiling . And lovingly touch her cheek and she smile and seeing her smile he also smile . Is there is anything else that bothering you ? No, there is nothing anything else . But there is one thing I want to give you back.

He was looking at her and from left hand she took of the ring and take his right hand on her hand and put the ring on his right hand . Why are you giving this back to me ? Because it's belongs to your family . Yes, I know. It's belongs to my family . And I also know that you are my girlfriend. And my mother give this ring to her future daughter in law . Yes, but i am scared if I lost the ring somewhere, then your mother will get hurt and I don't want to that's happen .

He hold her face from front and move to right and left . What are you doing ? Are you Erin ? No, no you are not my Erin . My Erin don't think like this . She never do overthinking about anything . She is very clam, and every matters she handle very simply . But you.... , you are thinking too much. Today you are not you . You are someone else today . You are not my
Erin . 'Boss, . See, don't think about this too much . I trust you . You are the one whom I choose us my partner. My mom give this ring to you.

And if you don't want to keep this ring then give her back by yourself. I am leaving now . He starting to leave but she hold his right hand and stop him from leaving . I am sorry . Why are you saying sorry now ? Have you did any mistake ? No, I am don't . Then why ? Come with me . He hold her left hand with his right hand and start to take her out . Boss, what are you doing ?, we are in the office . They will see us . He stop and turn back to her . Then what do you want me to do ?

I can't see you like this . Since I know you I had never seen you this much sad . She smile . Look I am smiling . I am not sad . Your smile is fake . Come with me . He takes her to his office and makes the curtains
on the glass. What are you doing ? He hug her tightly and comfortably . Are you still think about the matter with Bin . Don't worry, I already have taken care of everything . She makes him alway . What do you mean . He will never disturb you again . Did you . You don't think about him . But, why did you do that ?

Because for me you are very important more the any project .And I also don't want to work with him . You don't want to work with him but you have not done this because of work . Yes , then what do you want me to do it ? Should I just has to sit and not to do anything. He was getting angry . He try to touched my girl ,the girl I love . Do you know what that means ? He try to touched Han family girl . Now you are not just Han family future daughter in law .

You are my life, ( and tightly he hold her both shoulders and makes her close to himself) . will not except anyone do anything with you anything . I will make his life hell .He has to pay for what he has done . And I also tell his wife everything . So you, don't think about him . I am thinking about my brother. His medical has done and he is going to come back soon . And also he knows what he has try to do with me . I tell him that I have handle everything . But he said he will took care of it .

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