27 This is poison

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She vomits black blood again . he quickly comes and sits near her and cleans his mouth. What is happening to her ? I can't understand what happened all of a sudden to her . Neither medicines nor any other thing is having any effect on her .

I so confused . What do you mean by that . Are you a doctor . I'd you not understanding exactly what has happened to her then what kind of " Raj Ved " are you ?

I am sorry your Highness . I don't mean by what I said . I just want to say is her body is not taking any medicine inside . She vomits again . Make a medicine again . Erin you can't do this with me . You have to get better soon . Did you hear what I said ? Give me that medicine . he takes a sip of medicine in his mouth and give her through the mouth .

He give her all the medicine through the his mouth and then clean her mouth . What are you doing exactly ? Her hand got all blue . We are trying , our best but i am not sure when she will be come back to her senses . Do it quick . How did her condition out like this ? I don't know . He shout out on him . What do you mean by you don't know ?

Till last night there was some improvement in her condition, but suddenly her condition worsened due to morning . After all, I have not yet come to know the reason why her condition has deteriorated so much .

He looks at Su . Su do you know anything ? My Lord, I have not done anything . I didn't say you have done something . I am asking you do you know something , 'how did her condition has deteriorated so much ?
Do you know anything ? She says scared and in a low voice . I.. , that . Say clearly what you want to say .

She say in a low voice
In the morning Lady Yuri has come here to meet My Lady . What ? Why did you let her come here ? I have try stop her but she didn't listen to me .
His eyes go to a round box, he picks it up and opens its lid to smell it .

What is this ? Who bring this here ? Su said :: This is box Yuri brings here . This is poison . All shock . Did you give it to her ? I am asking you something . Did you give it to her ? Yes , but we have check it before give her . You check it . "But still you don't get it that this is a poison or are you with here "? I am sorry . When we checked the medicine we don't find anything suspicious .

Yuri was on her knees in front of him .What did you mix it with ? I have not mixed anything. You are doubting me unnecessarily. I am her sister, why would I do anything bad to her ? I have not done anything.
Don't act in front of me. I know very well how you treat her . Quietly tell me what you did to it . I am telling the truth, I have not done anything .

He signals to the guard and the guard puts a sword on her neck. Just then her father comes there and salutes him in the traditional manner.

Your Highness . Please forgive my daughter. Did you know what your daughter has done? she try to killed E, Zing zing . No, my daughter has not done that. you have something misunderstanding my daughter can't do this. My daughter loves her sister. We both love her. we can't imagine to hurt her.

Do you really think I will believe in you. I have proof. I think y should investigate again, this is my request, Please. It's not for my daughter, I just don't want you to take any wrong decision . You don't need to worry about that . I am put her in the cell .
Please don't do this . She said :: I have done anything and also doctor has said they have not get anything suspicious when he check it .

I agree that I brought this medicine box but I have not put anything in this . This medicine is very rare . When I get to know my sister health is very bad at the same time she brought this medicine for her .What I am saying is truth . You have to trust me . You can also check the place from where I have brought this medicine .

'Ok , for now you can go . Both said :: Thank you Your Highness , Thank you so much . But if I find out even one percent that you or your daughter are involved in this in any way, I will decapitate both of you . Both of them bow before him and go away .

Guards' Shu arrives at the spot where Yu fell down . He starts looking at that place. This chasm is too deep . It is not possible for anyone to escape after falling from here. But then why do I feel like he is still alive and doing all this ? He is behind of all this problems . what is happening all those time he is doing this . Why I am think that , Why ?

Everyone look everywhere carefully don't leave any place or spot . I want every information about this . Ok , Commander . And one more thing try to find some information about Prince Yu . Some look here and some come with me . We will go down .

' Ok , .

He comes down :: Search everywhere and see if you find anything. Everyone starts searching in the forest and in other places .

Yuri was going somewhere her dad call her and stop .Yuri stop .i will talk to you later dad . Yuri come back here and talk to right now . What dad ? What happened now ? Say something , I am getting late . Where are you going ? I am going somewhere I can't tell you where . Let's talk about this later . I am your dad Yuri tell you where are you going ? I said ones I can't tell you now , please don't force me .

Be a rules makers and also breakers because rules has become to break . If today we don't make any history then how can tomorrow anyone break that and if we don't break any rule, history , record then how can tomorrow anyone make make new rule, history , record . Be a breakers rules breakers , be a what you want to be in like .

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