63 He will be okay

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He eat the medicine. You are working with me since long time and don't even take any leave. You have been working with me for a long time and have not taken any leave, if you want, you can take the day off tomorrow. She thinks for a moment. Okay, then I will take leave tomorrow but you have to come with me tomorrow. I am talking about you taking leave, not about me. But you were also working, so you have the right to take a day off. I have a lot more work to do. You don't have to worry about it I will handle it.

But ?You won't go bankrupt if you don't work even for a day. He smile. Ok, where do you want to take me with you. You will know tomorrow .
Tomorrow. 'Yes, . I should not I have to know where you are taking me ? No, there is no need, when we go there you will find out by yourself .
'Ok, . Now you take some rest. She bow down and turn to go out her necklace falls down from her neck. He sees her necklace and called her name. Erin your. She turn back to him.

Yes, boss, do you want anything else? He look carefully towards her necklace and says. No, nothing , you go. 'Ok, 'boss, . He picked up her necklace, and very carefully looking at the necklace. So it was you. He put the necklace in his pocket and smile. It was you . In his house he was in the room. He was looking the photo and then take the necklace he had and then joined the both part of necklace. He gets very happy. Yes I knew it, it was you. The girl had saved me that time it was you.

But, why did not she tell me about this ? The girl whom I had been searching for years was in front of me for a long time and I could not recognize her. What a big idiot I am.
He remembers the day when she saved him. A few years ago, on a rainy night he was going in his car and talking to someone on his phone, the road was so dark that nothing could be seen, while going he takes a turn and in front A big truck comes, the flash of the truck was very bright.

And because of this he could not even see the road properly , and get lost control of the car. He try to control the car and presses the breaks to stop the car but breaks was not working, he try again and again but still car don't stop and the car get
overturned, blood was coming out the his head he try to operate his Sitbealt but the Sitbealt gets locked, he had very serious accident. His hand, head, his was gets red because the blood cames on his face. With her friend Erin was going from there and saw him.

Both of them come to him, together both open his car door. She say. Hello, are you okay?hello, hey! Can you hear me. Answer me. He was getting unconscious and because of that he could not even seen her face properly.
She said to her friend. Help me to get him out of his car. She go inside and open his Sitbealt ,she put his right hand on her shoulder he hold her necklace into his hand ,both took him out of the car and put him down on the road, after putting him down she startedstanding to stand up.

And the necklace get broke and the one part of her necklace leave in hia hand. Hey, can you hear me. Hey !,Mr. Can you hear my voice. Erin , I don't think we should get involved in this,this is accident, police will do investigation with us. You are right, this is very series accident ,we should not have to waist time call the ambulance. What? Call the ambulance . Hey!, please hold on for a moment the ambulance on the way. Did you call them. There is no signal. Come here. Don't let him close his eyes .

She call the ambulance. Hello, here is emergency, please send a ambulance and a doctor the pension condition is very critical, please come here quick. Send us your address. 'Ok, She send them her location. I have send you my location. Ok, ambulance will come there in 10 minutes. 'Ok, thank you. What did they said? Ambulance will coming over within 10 minutes. Erin he has closed his eyes . What ? She comes his near. Hey hey! Please wait don't do this. She put pressure on his heart. But he was not reacting. She was suppressing his heart .

Then after a moment he opened his eyes, but she was still suppressing his heart. Erin, Erin stop. No he. He has open his eyes. She takes a breath of relief. What kind of man are you, who told you to drive the car this much fast see what happen now. The ambulance came there. The ambulance is here, they put him in the ambulance. The doctor said. You don't need to come with us,we will handle him now and thank you for calling us on time. No, no it's okay. The doctor turn and go some step forward. She called him. Doctor.'Yes,.

Please save him in condition. Don't worry, we are doctors it's our duty to save life. Thank you so much. She was looking at the ambulance, her friend put right hand on her right shoulder and say. Erin don't worry he will be ok now. Doctor we saved him. She turn back to her . Yes, you are right doctor will do their treatment and
saved him, I don't need to worry about him now. Did you meet him somewhere ? No, I have not, why did you ask . Because I thought you have meet him before. No, I have not meet him.

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