47 What is this brother ?

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             Brother, stop it. He was still smiling . If you smile again then I won't play . Ok, ok, don't be mad at me, I am sorry . Let's play, you still have one chance to win. one two three. Again both close their own eyes and said together  :  rock paper scissors, and then together open their own eyes.This is very ,very bad. He try to control his smile. I have never been lose in a rock paper scissors but this time I have lost three times. Brown don't smile. I am not smiling. You are smiling . Yes, I am smiling. She takes the pillow in her right hand and hits on his left side.

He also  started hitting her with another pillow and started to have a
pillow fight , in the room while holding and hitting her pillow he has running and she was behind him, while running both are fighting with each other's. He stop running and she was about the hit him but he point his right hand towards her and stop her  . Now it's all over, I'm tired. Me too. Both sit down and look at each other's and smiles, while smiling both lays down on the ground . He said : I have missed all this so much .

I have also missed it. But I am going to let you sleep on bed. I know you are a 
stubborn . You are more than me. Brother do you want to find with me again. Look, look, look, .'what ? look at yourself , you are getting angry. No, I am not. Don't you want to sleep now? Yes , I am sleeply . Then go to sleep, go.
When he started to stand up she hit him again with the pillow. 'Go,. First I have said you are change, but right now i am sure, super sure no one can change you.

Tomorrow I will pray for him."Oh god Please save him"! . Go and sleep. In the morning she was sleeping on the floor, he woke up and look at her, slowly- slowly without making any sound of his foot he come near to her. He look at her and said. Erin, Erin . After long time i have get this amazing  opportunity and smile like a devil . I am so happy today. Looks around for water and takes water in his right hand and come near and pours water on her face. She gets scared and while yelling woke up.

Rain, rain, rain, . He laugh loudly . Good morning sister. What is this brother? Why did you poured water on me ? takes water in his hand and pours it on her face, good morning once again. You wait for me. He run. She takes a pot in her hand . No,Erin no,look thats very big please put it down. See,i am just joking with you . Ok, and she throw the water on him. He gets completely wet. Erin . Good morning my dear brother, I hope today's day will be good for you.

You wait, you little. Both start throwing water on each other's. Sometimes he run and she throw and sometimes she run and he throw top to bottom both gets wat but still throwing water on each other's . Both come front of the door , his back was toward the door and she was front of her , she throw the water and someone open the door, he leans forward and water falls on her . That was Su, Su shock and while looking themin the condition  and both of them smile and give each other's Hi-Fi . While smiling Erin ask her :

Su what are you doing here right now? I just come, but why did you do this with me ? I have not done this on purpose,I just. Sorry, but. Both are still smiling and sudden stop smiling and look at each other's. He slowly ask in her ear. Erin who is she? He name is Su . Oh! Ok , but what about right now. What are you going to say ? I don't know. Su was looking both of them and come forward and looking him very carefully. "My lady ,who is he? I have seen him before ? Did you know him"?

I.. , I, I know him , and without higeteting directly said . He is my brother Prince .  Both are shockingly looking at her. Erin what are you saying. What did you said, my lady? He is your brother. Yes, you have heard right he is my real brother. His name is Prince . With his right hand holds her right hand tightly, Erin stop it, have you understand what did you just say it. We are not at our place. Prince you have hold my hand very tightly. Erin stop it . Brother my hand . He leaves her hand. He is your real brother.

Yes, he is my real brother, we are twice. He put his right hand on her mouth and make her quite . I am sorry, I think she is sick that's why she is saying like this. On her mouth removes his hand. No, i am not sick , I am absolutely ok, and this person is my real brother. We have blood relationship. And you listen to me Su knows evry about me, I had tell her everything long till ago . She believes in you ? Yes, she believe me and in this time she had been helping me, and you.

You stop worrying about it now, she won't tell anyone about us, just relax now. Are you sure ?' Yes, both look at Su . She was looking shock. What's wrong with you now, why are in shock? He is your real brother, I mean  real ,real brother, you both have blood relation. Yes, we have , but what's wrong with you? Your brother he standing front of me,here at that also at this time. He is here, in your room. How, how can this possible? Clam down I will tell you everything. Come here. He is here, how ? How he comes here and she fainted down on the ground .

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