26 Right now the person is important for me is Erin .

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                     Yan was sitting in his room and thinking about her , and the moment he speed with her . The first time when he meet her . Who are you  ? Don't touch me . I am not Zing zing  , I am Erin  and the moment she  faint in his arms . When she  mistakely come to his washroom .

Who do you think ? you are you are not even  handsomen as Indian actor Shahrukh Khan ,Khan Salman, Khan k-pop star BTS , Seventeen, Exo . The every moment when she comes close to him , when she got shy . And the one when she takes that arrow's .

    Erin , why did you do that ?  Shu come there . What happened Shu you are here at this time ? Did they say something ? No , they  didn't . I have come here to meet my friend who never listens to anyone ." What are you taking about ? What I did now "?
You should ask yourself what you done ? Just say it what do you want to say . Take your clothes off . What ?

I have brought medicine to apply on your injury . I don't need . You need .
Now take it off . He take off . While applying medicine .
I have never see you like this . Your behavior , your actions , your language , in your change everything .
Top to Bottom you have fully change .

  It's done . I am not understand 'what you are talking about  ? You know very well . Don't act front of me . I know you since when we are young .
And I am working for you from so long . You can't lie to me, because I catch your lies in a minute . you gotta admit you have changed .

And I think I know who change you so much . She is Zing zing right ? Say something now . After my brother Yu you are my best friend . You know me so well . So I am right she is Zing zing  . It's good you have meet a girl you really love the love of your life. She is good girl as his mother .

But I don't understand one thing . First you don't like her , your mother said to you to marry her but you denied and said you can't marry her because you don't love her . You don't even talk to her . In simple words you both are just normal friends .Then what happened now . Suddenly you start liking her .

  She is not Zing zing  . What , what did you say ? I said , she is not Zing zing she is Erin  . Her name is Gu Erin she has come from future . I started liking her from the moment when I meet her . She is different from others . She don't care who I am, what is my position . She say everything what comes to her mind .

The most important she don't love my position , my power , she don't love me because soon I am going to become king . She just love me the way I am , this is the thing that make her important person in my life . She is important for me more than my life  . He is shock . Shu  are you okay ? What you just say it is true . She is really not Zing zing . Yeah , she is not . How can be this possible she is look like her .

        But she is not her ?  Then where is Zing zing ? I don't know . Right now the person is important for me is Erin  . Ok , I think I should have go now . He started leaving . Shu , find out as soon as possible what poison was on the arrows that hit her and also about where it was found and who made it . I want every information about this .

   Do you doubt anyone ?  He gets silent . My Lord . No , I don't have . You go now . 'Ok , I will informed you if I get anymore .

'umm, !


                Yuri  come to see Erin .but  Su stop her out of  room . Get out my way . No, you can't meet My lady right now . She is still unconscious . I said, get out my way . No , it's an order . Please , you come tomorrow . She slap Su and she falls down and go inside .

    The doctors were treating him. He says looking at her.  you are here ? yes , i heard my sister got hit by arrow and her condition is very bad after hearing this news i couldn't stop myself from come here

how's she is now ? is she is ok  . please save her . if you don't have any objection can you please give her this medication . I have brought this medication for his . it's very powerful medication she will get better soon after taking this medication  .

   Please , . Ok , his helper take the medication from her hand . He check the medication that the medication is ok or not . Is in the medication have any dangers thing or something  after checking he gives to doctor . The doctor also check it again and give to her .  I am going now . Thank you for your help . No , no need to say thank you , It is my duty, she is my sister. I love my sister very much .

Her hand has gotten all blue . The doctor also don't have understanding what is happening with her . He makes her drink medicine but now the medicine was not going inside her, the medicine was coming out of her mouth . Or that her body was not taking that medicine inside. He clears the medicine from her throat . Suddenly  again she vomits black blood . He gets surprised to see .

He check her body temperature she has become cold like a ice and them check her pulse that's not going normal . Quickly make new medicine, quickly . They both start making medicines .

A servant comes and says to Yan :
  My Lady's health has suddenly become very bad. Has her whole body become cold ? What ? He runs and comes to her. what happened Erin I mean Zing zing   ? He yelled loudly .
What happened say something  ?

Your Highness , suddenly she is vomiting black blood and her left hand also trun to all blue . She vomits again .


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