41 It's ok, my lady.

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           Su was saying slowly. Iwill help you my lady ,but I what you says all so much, I only understand I little bit . Can you please tell me again . 'Ok, no problem , I will tell you again . I am  Zing zing . But i am not same as before . Is this is clear to you ? Yes,you are my lady , you are born again . Yes, you can say that but not in this century . Now, I want to change the bad things I have done in past on of them is, ( she stop speaking).

One of them I had done with Yans mother , but I have not done that internationally . You know right, my step father force me to do bad things. I don't want to do that, I , I .In her eyes tears come . My lady, stop . I know what they have done with you , and I trust you . I know internationally you will never done anything bad with anyone . She wipe tears . Thank you for trusting me . I want to tell all this to Yan but I am afraid if I tell him he will leave me , he won't believe on me.
I tried once but he doesn't even want to listen to me on this topic .

It's ok, my lady.

       When Yuri was in her room a letter come . She ask : This is for me? Yes,its for you . Who gives ? I don't know his name . He is man ? Yes, he give me this letter and told to give it to you . Ok , you can go . 'Yes, . She gonna from there . Yuri open the letter and read , in the letter have written . Do something big that will Yan kill Zing zing by her own hand . Do it as soon as possible in any condition I want to see her die .

She close the letter and put beside her right hand . He wants to her die not just he wants to kill her , he wants to
Kill her by his hand . But why? Why he wants to do that? I know that he wants to kill Yan but now he also wants kill her , why ? What is story behind it ? I want to kill her because I
hate her , but why he wants to kill her ? I want to know the reason behind it . Now I want to see his face. 
Exactly who are you mask man . She takes the letter in her hand and avoids burning it.

   Erin and Su has come to market . Why did you bring me here ? Today here is so many people . What is matter, is anything important thing ?
Very soon there is going to be a big celebration soon, that's why so many people have come here. 'Ok ,. But we come over . I think you want to buy anything that's why we I bring you here . No, I don't want to buy anything, (She trun back to go ) let's go back  .  Take s some steps , but Su hold her left hand and stop her .

          My lady please . What? If you don't want to buy anything to just see the place . No, I have something important to do , let's go . Please, please, please, please my lady . She smile. You are crazy , let's go . Both come inside . Both was looking the place . My lady, let's go there .  Erin look at the food and said : I want to eat that . Let's go . Su did you know the name of the food ? No, I don't know , I have never seen something like this . It's means you also don't had eaten this food . Yes,  let's eat together then .

I want this . Erin buy that food . This is yours . She takes smell . What wrong ? It's smell is weird . But it is looking good . Erin take a bite . And make weird face . What happened my lady ? She spits it out and cleans her mouth with right hand. Don't eat . It's very bad . She trun back to go back to him . Where are you going my lady? To get my money back . How  can he sell like this food . People's will get sick after eating his food . You wait here I will come back in five minutes. Today I will teach him a good listen of life .

My lady . You just wait and see . She was about to go but someone by using himselve right hand holds her right hand and pulls her towards him . Her head hit on his chest she looks up . Yan you . What are you doing here? Why can't i come . No, I . One second , Su you go and hanging out . Ok, She makes the traditional greeting and leaves . She was looking at her , he looks around , what are you looking for ? She also look around . I was looking for and he kiss on her left cheek .

She surprise and with both hands push him away . What are you doing? People will see us . So what you a mine , i can do anything I want . Now it's to much ,here are so many people and you are not a normal human , you are a prince . People will gossip about you soon you will become king you should have to take care of like this stuff . Don't do something like this again . I know soon i am going to became king ,but before that i am also your lover . I am normal human who loves a normal girl .

  I love a girl who likes me not who i am and my identity . And I have not done anything bad that you are saying like this . Why are you getting angry on me ? I am getting angry . But, if i
am going to become king then your going to become my queen , my life partner . Why are you scared of people this is my kingdom . I am not scared , but are you sure we will live together for forever ? Don't say something like this . I am going to leave you for rest of my life  you are mine not for only this life but for every life .

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