28 Then how Yu die ?

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              Are you going there ? You already know then ,"Why are you asking me "? I am leaving . Yuri stop .
I already told you to stay out of it . It's will be dangerous for you . I don't care, how much dangerous is this for me . I can't tallgeart all this anymore .
I just don't want to see her face . I I hate her and i wanted her to die as soon as possible .

In her life she always get what's she wants but i never get what I want but from now I will snatch every think she loves . I understand , but my princess , for all this you don't need to do all this . Your dad is still alive . No, dad I want her to die so I will do it in my way .

'Ok , .

But don't do anything right now .  he is suspicious of you and right now if you do anything else he will killed you and i could not  to do anything . listen to what i am saying for some time stay calm and don't do anything .

When everything is calm then I will think of doing something . You will think , you don't need to do something . i think dad you don't get it ,why did he do that ? His anger was not minor. If he had solid proof at that time, he would have beheaded me with his own hands. Do you understand now why he was so angry ? 'Why ,? Because he loves her and that means she loves him too .

And I can't see her happy at all . If she recovers, she will marry Yan and become a queen and will live happily ever after . I don't want that at all . I won't let this happen ? Listen to me . Very soon everything will done dad . I will talk to you later, I am leaving now .

           Shu was searching for a long time but still he hasn't get anything . He come a place and look up . He comes near the wall, while he is watching, he sees a place like a cave and he starts going that way .

he comes to that place he looks inside . From standing there he look up . He thinks for a while and then say :: If someone falls down from there, he will directly fall here. Meaning that he will not fall down under any circumstances nor will he die .

Then how Yu die ? One minute , no one gets his dead body . It can be possible he will be alive . Or it is also possible he is behind all of this, he is doing all this ? But why he will do that...     with his own brother . He go inside to see if he get anything there . He comes down guard's comes . Did you get anything .

'No , .

The rest of the guards also come .
Did you guys find anything? No, but we asked some people who live out of this forest . What did they tell ? A few months after their battle, some people found a man here . Where did they found him ? Here is a cave ,they find him in that cave . 'Ok , . The surprising thing was that even after receiving so many injuries and blood lost , after so many days and months he was still alive .

Those people took him with them and treated him, after many days he regained consciousness and when he got well he left the place . Where did he go ? Those people don't know about that . There is one more thing. What  ? Due to many injuries on his face, his face had become very bad . Okay, let's go back .

They start going and suddenly somebody attack on them . They start fighting with each other. Shu was thinking what is happening all this? who is this people's and why did they attack on us? exactly what they want?
They fight with each other's  for a long time some of guards and that people's die .

While fighting with them Shu also gets hurts . A mans sword goes inside his body but he is still fighting with them . Yan come there with guards . He fight with them and killed all of them .

      They come back to the Palace .
Doctor applies ointment on his wound. The Doctor tells Yan . The injury is not too deep, it will heal soon . Ok, thank you , You can go now . off he goes . Are you ok ? Yes , my Lord .

Do you know anything about them? Like who are they and why did they attack you. I don't know who they are. But ! , But what ? When we are out there screaming . I have seen a cave right down there. Exactly where "prince Yu " had fallen fromb. What? are you telling the truth  ? Yes, I am telling the truth . You can and go there and see from your own eyes .

There is a cave at that place. When I went inside and looked, I didn't find anything, but there was definitely one thing that I might have understood. what he When your brother fell down from above, he didn't fall straight down he fall into that cave .

One, minute . If what you are saying is true and there is cave . It means then , when we go down to check for him we didn't get his body . We look for him everywhere at that time but we don't get anything . Now I understand why don't we get body because he have not fall down he fall down into that cave .

But we think some animals has eat him because after three or four days later we have go down to look for him . We didn't get anything about him so we come back we think he is dead . Did you find out anything else about Yu ? My Lord , I am sure he is alive or not .

The people's lives there they told about this . That after that battles some month later they see him and take him with them . They don't know , exactly who is he ? after many days he regained consciousness and when he got well he left the place . They don't know anything about him .

Bye bye👋👋

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