17 " She run away throw the window " ?

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❤❤Feeling . Feeling are very complicated same time we understand them very easily but some time we try to understand them , we try very much but still sometimes we don't get it . We don't understand our feeling . Feeling is very beautiful thing sad , love,care , anger those all are feeling . understand them it's not hard to understand them ❤❤

*** part 17 ***

What's wrong her ?

Should I call a doctor for you ? No , am not sick .

' really , ?

She shout .

Is I am looking like I am sick ? No , you are not . Then go from here . Hey ! Su stop . I am sorry . I should not have to Yellen at you like this , I am sorry . It's ok .

is something bothering you?

I don't know , "what's going on with me " ? I am feeling strange . But why ?
Since , his Mom said he change because of me . He likes me . I am important person for him . I never thik about him like that but since his Mom talk with me I am start thinking . I am feeling like this because his Mom said that Or it's because of my own feeling .

I want to understand , what I am feeling right now , what we call this feeling ? understanding this feeling is very much complicated . before when I see him I feeling normal but now whenever I see him or think about him my heart beat get fast . Why all this happening with me .

" Can you help me with this "?

Yes , I can .

But before that you have to give my some questions answers .

" What question " .

You will give or not ?

Ok, ok . I will give . ask first .

You can't sleep at night?

Yes , you are right .

you don't feel like eat something ?

' yes , .

You don't want to think about him but all the time your mind thik about him, and your heart wants to see him , am I right ?

Yeah , you are right .

Last question . Whenever he is around you or coming to you, your heart beats fast ?

Yes you are . Her heart beat become fast . She put her hand on her heart .

" Congratulations my Lady " . 'What, ? You have fallen in love with someone . Who is that boy . he is .

Before she say another word Erin says .

' Yan , .

Really he the one you love .

Get up , come here .

What happe suddenly ?

Sleep on the bed .

But why ?

Yan is come here . Just sleep and don't take of the blanket on your face .

She jump through the window and run away . He come inside .

Erin i want to talk to you , get up . Erin get up and give me answer, why are you behaving like this ? You know how much I am worried about you and you are the who is avoiding me all the time .

Erin I am talking to you .

He come near and pulled the blanket but Su is holding blanket tightly . Erin . He pulled blanket .

Su you . What are you doing here and where is she ? Su point a finger toward the window .

" She run away throw the window " ?
Yeah , . I am not going to leave her now .

He goes .

She is sitting beside the river .

Is what she say is true ? Is I really love him ? She see he is coming there . She start going from there , while going she looks back to see if he is see her and then look front he is standing front of her .

Why are you avoiding me ? I am not .
You are not then "why did you run away after seeing me " ? I , . What , you don't have answer about this .
I have . I have something work to do that's why I am going . Ohh ! really ?
Then let's go together .

What happen ? , let's go . I forget . He come her near . What happen , why are you avoiding me ? If I did something mistake then I am sorry ?

No , you didn't . come with me . He hold her right hand . Yan I will talk to you later . she frees her hand . Erin .
What is the matter exactly  ?

After that  Erin start avoiding him whenever where she see him  she go and hide somewhere or change her way . he also see her doing all this but still didn't say anything to her .

Yan  start feeling sad because he doesn't understanding what happening ? why she is doing that .  when Erin is going somewhere Yan see  her and think that  .

It's been days , how long you are going to do this ? How long you are going to stay away from me ? You also have your own reasons that's why you are doing this . It's ok , I will wait .

for many days both don't see and meet each other . All the time Erin looking for a way to go back . She comes to all the palace she  saw in her dream or   a time she had come there  . she  don't sleep at time and try very much  .


             At the night Erin is sitting outside and looking the stars  and thinking .

why i am do this suddenly ?
Everything changed in no time. Why am I remembering everything, why?

(When she was sleeping she see a dream in her dream see everything all the things everything she gets remember and get to know that she is Zing zing ).

If i stays here, everything will start to happen like before. I want to leave from here and I didn't want to go either.

my life has become a drama. don't know what will happen next .

I want to tell him everything but don't know he will trust me Or not . what the way he will react after knowing this ? i am still not sure about my own feeling  , what can i say this then he will trust me .

no one can believe if i tell him something like this  . but on matter what had happened i am going to let that happen again . as kon as i am here . i will not let the happen anything  bad with me or him .


               Yan practicing  with his sword  after some time he stop and say .  Erin  tomorrow I will  make clear everything between us . I will tell you everything  .  And also I have question to ask you .

                Erin going out . It's been days I have not seen him . He takes my words seriously . It's also good I have not need to lie to him again  .
When she was going someone holh her right hand and pulled her .


        Thank you for reading this part I hope you like it  .

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