19 I love you Erin .

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           The feeling I have for you is true. a person who always makes my heart skip a beat is you . I like you . She kiss on her left cheek and run . First he shock and then smile . He stand up and come behind her .

Erin wait for you . She don't stop .
He shout out loudly . " My Highness " Wait . She smile . He run and come to her . What happen ? Why are you looking at there ? Look at me Erin
she doesn't look at him . are you shy ? because of .

no , i am not .

you are blushing .

No , i am not blushing .

you are .

' no , .

you are .

i said ( he kiss on her cheek ) no .

Erin touch cheek . Do you like it ? And he again kiss on her cheek .
i told you allready , you can't touch me without my permission . i didn't touch you i kiss you . can i do it again . she said while pointing finger toward him :: ' you , . something like , and he kiss again on her cheek :: this . he smile and run and she run behind him .

Yan , stop there . Come and catch me up Come and catch me up . come on you are very slow . come fast . you stop there . no , i will not . you have kissed me three times , i will not let you go . that's what i want that you never let me go . Yan, stop there , don't run . Yan . Come on Erin . Do it fast .

' Ok , .

She was about to catch him, but misses a bit. You missed a bit. Try again . both play with each other's and have a fun . she try to catch him up every time but misses a bit . both are happy and smiling .

' Yan , .

' Tried , ?

He comes near and lifts her in his arms and spins her round in his arms . he spins her for a while
Yan , put me down . Put me down.
Are you happy now ? ' Yeah , I am very happy and it's because of you .
She hug her suddenly . I am very happy . " Me too " . He lifts her up and spins her . He put her down and shout out loudly . I love you Erin .

She puts her hand over his mouth . what are you doing ? don't shout like this , it's to loud . so what ? , is this my place . i can do anything, i want . yes, you can do but please don't shout like this . i will . ' what , ? I love you Erin . Do you love me ? if yes , just shake your head .

She shake her head and he hug her again . i am very happy today, today i got my' s biggest happiness . i got you . How much important, i am to you ? Important ? , just like oxygen to stay alive ,like hearts heart beat , like soul to body . You are most important one in my life . i will never let you away , never .

Wow ! You are awesome . I never knew that you can be so romentic .
Very good . There is nothing now, let's see what happens in the future ? I know . What ? Nothing, just I . Let us go . Where now . Nowhere, just there, visible . ' Yes , . That's what has to go. But why? How many questions do you ask ? Your name should have been question queen, not Erin .

All the time you just ask questions . Now don't ask any questions . No , don't talk until we reach there . What if , I have something important to talk you . Still , stay quite . ' Ok , .

Both come to that place . We come .
What happen ? Why are you not talking ? Oh , sorry . You can talk now . " Thank you " . why we are comes here  ? , is this important place of your memory that you want to show me  ? yes , something like that .

  The sunset is very beautiful from here. So that's why you brought me here? Yes, I wanted to watch the sunset with you . ok .

                    Erin was dancing in her room and Sucome there and watch her while dancing  and shock . She comes Su's near and hold her hand and start dancing with her . My Lady. ' yes, '  Su, . your face  expressions telling me that you are again that thinking I am feeling sick , but i am. not sick . I am absolutely ok .

Then , why are you behaving like this weird ?  she spin her and makes her fall in her arms.  . My Lady . Don't worry Su . Nothing is happen with me  .

Su  ,.
Yes, My Lady  .

' Su ,  .

' Yeah  ,  .

' Su  , .

Please say something .

Now what should I tell you? Okay then don't tell anything just make me stand straight. I am feeling very strang  .' Strange  ? 'Yeah, this is so weird. no, it's not weird. please, my lady. I am not your or lover or husband that you are doing this with me.



I am doing behaving like this because I am happy. I am very very very happy  . Ok  , but why  ? What happen with you ,that's make's you happy so much ? There are two things  .  Which Two ? Come here , I will tell you  . No , one minute , wait  . What now . she go and close the door . My Lady .

Come , set . Tell me now . 'ok , 'first ,
I am Zing zing  . My Lady , are you sure you are ok  ? Su . She hit on her  back her  . Listen , I mean is . i remembered i am so Zing zing  . Did you remember that day suddenly I shout out and  wake up ? ' Yes ,  I remember . That time I got my all my past memory back .

You mean , now you become my old Lady . It's means then, you will again start obey them . I wanted your memory to come back but I didn't want you to start following his instructions again.i like your this self .your this self is strong now and now you do what you really want to do . but now  again you will become old My Lady  .

OMG ! stop , stop . Su  , you are thinking to much . Don't think this far  . I know , Your Imagination capacity is very good , but please  for me don't Imagine this much . What i
Telling you is I got my past memory .

Comfort , care , love, trust , it's just a one thing when you love someone automatically we trust on him we care for her/ him We don't want anything to happen to her / him. If she / he is in pain, we hug him, we try to calm him down. All these four are sides of the same coin. If even one of these is not there, then that coin is not complete. So handle all these four in the same way never losse them .

Thank you so much  .

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