69 you dare to touch my woman

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                She stands up and look there, her eyes go on a little long pipe, go and get the pipe in hand and come back near to him and start hitting him with that and after hitting him with pipe little throw the pipe and then start hitting him with hands and leg .
She sit down on the bed and said . Now i am tired . He said. Thank god . She look at him : What did you say?nothing, I have not said anything . With great difficulty he stands and sits . His condition was very bad, as if a washerman had washed the clothes, she had tortured him.

The shirt on him right hand was torn  and her tie was also not good, her face had also turned red. She lies back on the bed as She was sitting . The the door open and he come inside and see her laying down on bed and get scared . After hearing the voice she stand and sit straight . Boss,you . He comes and hug her . You scared me. You how much I got scared? When I see you laying down on bed like that . He was standing while hugging her tightly . Why did you do this with me?

    For a moment my heart stop beating . I am okay boss .Mr.Bin see that both were not paying attention to him so he slowly started walking away  Boss, i am okay . Nothing has happened to me . He leaves her . No, you are not okay. He took her right hand in own hand and while looking at them said . Look at your hand . I am... . She saw that he was walking
away . Boss he . Lee look at him . He was going to run but Lee grabbed him and punch him hard and he falls down on floor .

  How dare you touch my woman ? I will kill you . He was going to punched him again but he say while crying . Stop . What do you want ? Do you want to kill me? If you want then just do it . I am tired now of getting beaten of her and now you are also beating me . That's now right . She hits me very much . I don't think until now any woman had beaten any man like the way she have beat me. She break of very bone . She is not a woman . No woman do this with a single and helpless man .

  She said. What did you said ? single and helpless man .  How can you use a word helpless ? Do you even know what is called helpless ? You  put drug in my drink . You threat me . He threat you ? 'Yes, . He is really a . Forget . He was still crying . He said. Hey! Stop crying . Can't i cry  ? Stop it or I will started beating you up. I am not crying . He look at her and using right hand and sweetly touch her face and smile . Are you okay ? She makes his hand down and hold in her both hands .

      I am absolutely okay boss . Let's go back then . One thing has left . Don't beat me . 'Quite, . She get the file in hand . Sign it . What ? She chance her voice tone and in a clam voice said.
Mr. Bin please sign on this file . After beating me up so much . Sign it before I started beating you up again. 'Okay, .
He sign on the file . And then show him video . See this is video I have shoot of you . If you tell anyone about what happened in this locked room . I know you won't tell about this because I have beaten you .

    But in any case it's came to your mind to tell anyone about this or if you canceled the contract then I will post this video on the internet. And before doing that I will send this video to your wife and also with them woman you had did that . If you do anything then whole world will know the true face of you and what you are going to do with a simple girl and with her self defense she beaten you up . Don't do this. Let's go boss . I am leaving you today because you have not touch her .

And one more thing Mr. Bin stop doing all this if I heard again you have done anything like this or trying then I won't be good for you . Think hundred times before doing this again . He hold her right hand with his hand and took her out. Both come out of the hotel near to their car. He open the car door for her . But he was looking upset . She started to sit inside the car but then look at his face and standing up while looking at him and he was looking at her . And then said .

What? Do they have something on my face? She shakes her head no. Then why are you staring at me? 'Nothing, . get in the car. She was still looking at his face. sit . She sits inside the car and he closes the door and then goes and sits in the car and drives the car. In a way she was looking at him, but he didn't look at her at all . Are you angry on me ? He doesn't give any answer . Boss . Please look at me once . Please . Do not do this to me.

If you are angry at me then scold me, I will not say anything, not even a word. You can scolded me as much you want . But please don't do this to me. Boss look at me . He looks at her . Are you mad at me ? What do you think ? What should I have to do now ? Should I get happy for what has done . I don't mean to do that . I have not done that on any purpose . If you are angry at me because I hits him so you can scold me. I will not say anything . Are you thinking that i am mad at you because you beat him?

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