65 My Mom dad is dead

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        For a moment . Both of them look at each other and then leave her hand. Both were looking in the other direction and then he leave her and both look at another side. You seems close to him . Yes, he is my brothers friend. Your brother . Yes, he is my
brothers friend that's why I am close to him. That means you are only his friend . Yes, I am. That's good. What is your favorite food ? Noodles . Then let's go to eat . Now? Yes, I am hungry.
Both was sitting in restaurant and eating noodles. But she was looking at him .

Stop looking at me and eat . She start eating fastly . He smile. Do you want to say something to me ? No, nothing. Then can i ask you a  question .'Yes, .
I want to ask you about your family . She stop eating and put  chopsticks down . It's okay if you don't want to tell me . I won't force you. know it's nothing like that, I just remember about my father and mother . what happened to them ? They are died. I am sorry. It's okay . But how's that happened ? They died in the accident in front of me. We are going to meet my brother and we had accident .

They died front of my eyes and i . Tears come in her eyes . Hey!, don't cry. And he wipes her tears . Stop crying, you have you brother. I am ok. I am sorry for making you cry. No, you don't have any mistake . I am done eating . Ok, then let's go . Exquse me, your bill is here . Both come out . Both was walking on sidewalk . Are you okay ? She look at him and smile . What do you think . That's good, i think your brother loves you very much. And why did you think like that  .

Because, of strong . She smiles and stop walking and look at her. What, because I am strong . I think, you get this strength from your brother ,you handle every situation smoothly. yes, you are right me and my brother is same . He loves me very much and I also love him very much .we can do anything for each other. Let's go boss. Is there is any another person whom you can do anything . No, not now . Where is your brother right now? He is in abroad for his treatment .
Treatment? Yeah, two years ago in a fight he gets injured.

  He get injury in his leg . He didn't tell me about his injury because he thinks I will cry and be sad , but he don't that I already know about his injury . Are not you angry on him, he didn't tell you about his injury . No, when I join "Han Group" that day he left in abroad and after that one night I called him and ask him about him condition and he tell me everything about his injury . When you are in problem, something has your own problem that also can make the (He was looking at her ) person you love sad and get in the problem .

You don't tell the one you loves . And it's okay if you don't tell him or her. But in some time when that person ask you should tell him or her trust only trust. He hold her right hand and pulled her towards him . She looks in his eyes, both was looking at each other's eyes . I want to tell you something and also want to give you something . Boss, he leaves her hand and she go away . He take the necklace out the his blazers pocket .
And hold her right hand and put on her hand .

    This is? Your necklace . Yes, it's mine but my necklace have only one pair and Chain . Do you remember when you saved a man from an accident a few years ago? Yes I remember. That is me. She was shocked. what you? Yes it's me. All those years I had the second pair of your necklace, after the accident I was looking for you till yesterday, yesterday your necklace fell and I looked at it and I knew it was you. I was very happy because the girl whom I had been searching for so many years and with whom I fell in love, was the same girl.

  She was listening him silently. But i don't love you because you have saved my life that night I just love you  why I love you I don't know just know that I love you, I love you so so much and I want to become a part of your journey, I am just happy because you are the one who saved me but it was you till I have love you so much. What I said to you in the car that day that all are trust .

  And you have said to me. I am a type of person whom need a person I tell everything about me, the one who understand me , Erin in my life you are the only person whom I want to tell everything about me. I want you to become that one and only one person who knows everything about me. And I want to become your wings, no matter what happens in life I will never leave your side. Whenever you feel sad, you are losing your hope, self confidence I will encourage you. You can do anything in your life I will be always on your side .

  Erin you are the one with whom I want to spend my all life . Can you give me that one chance . She was silence . He was looking at her and then said . Say something. One minute  are not you silence because of. Are you rejecting me ? Erin say something . She was still silence. Okay, you can take your time and then give me answer, let's go back. He starting to leave but He held her right hand and stopped her, he was looking at her and she was looking down holding his hand.

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