56 Have we meet before

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                 You know me very well. It's not about knowing, whenever I took new assistant you always come into office to see her. It's because under you no one work more then 12 days and it's your record . He smile.  You have seen her in the meeting then why did you came here ? Because I want to talk with her. Because I think that she is just like you, she will work here for so long . And if in any condition you have fired her then I will take her. Stop your nonsense and go. I am not talking nonsense .

  I am very serious . I will go and talk to her. See you my friend. Listen, you. She was working he come to desk and nock on her desk she look up to him. 'Hi,. 'Hello, you. Sorry i forget to introduce myself ,i am Lee's friend and I am also a lawyer not just lawyer but. Lee was looking at them through his office glass wall . Ok, ok, I understand it. We have meet before. No, I don't think. You have forgot so soon. In the bored members meeting. Yes, I remember, you were telling everyone about company's profit. Yes, you are right.

  You are pretty . What? I said, You are looking pretty. Thank you. Both of them was talking with each other's and smiling and he was keep looking both of them, stand up and start to come to door . By the way, can we go.
Before he could say anything more he open the door and say. Erin come to my office right now. Ok, boss. And you you leave now. He close the door and go. See you later Erin,bye. hmm! She comes inside his office. Yes, boss. What ? Is anything is work to do?

'Yes, I have send an email to you send them to client. 'Ok, this is file after sending the email go and get the 
Signature of new program director. 'Ok, you can go now. She started to leave. Erin. Trun back. Yes, boss . Have we meet before, I mean before you join this job somewhere else , have we meet ? No, I don't think we have meet before. Are you sure? Yes, we have not meet before. 'Ok, you can go. She come and sit on her cher and started doing the work. So this is the
email. And it's done.

Now the signature. But where is the
program directors cabin ? She started and go. She come to Meen . Meen I have question to ask you, where is
new program directors cabin . on the third floor. Thank you. No, problem. I am leaving now. Hey, listen. Let's go for lunch. But what about work. You go and get the sign of program directors and in the lunch break let's go to eat out. Ok, but what about boss. He never eat lunch . 'Ok, let's go then. She takes the lifted and come to third floor, and come out his cabin and knock it.

'Come,. "Hello", sign on this file boss ask. 'Ok, let me read it first. Yes, of course. He read the file and sign on it. Thank you. Are you new assistant of boss? Yes, I am. My name is Erin . I am leaving now. She leave and come in corridor. A man come to her . 'Hi, we meet againm. 'Hi,  You work in this company?'yes, . What a coincidence I also work here. It's really good. What? I mean we are neighbors and also work in same office so from tomorrow we can come together for work.

I am personal assistant of boss, so I don't think this is possible, I need to go now. Hey, wait! He hold her hand pulled towards him but her foot gets slipped and she fallen down. Are you okay? I am sorry, I didn't mean to fall you down. He give her right hand to stand up . It's okay, she stand up by herself. I am sorry. It's okay. I need to go now. She go in lifted. This is weird, why I feel weird with him. I don't even him. She comes out of his office Meen come over.

Erin .shu! Don't shout . Let's go. What happened, did boss say anything to you ? No, he didn't. He is in tension.
While going she bumps into a girl. I am sorry. It's okay. Are you new personal assistant of boss? Yes, I am. Let me tell you something don't work hard very much because in some days you will get fired. What? Remember my words. And she leave. Don't take her seriously. Let's go, But,who is she .
She is manager . manager. Yes, she never talk with anyone sweetly. She is also reason,for assistant leaving there jobs. You stay away from her.

Both came into restaurant. Meen said.
What do you want to eat? Something new. She say to waiter. Excuse me. We want this,packed this. Why are you
packing lunch ? For boss. He never do
lunch . Why? He is always busy in work, since I am work here I have never see him doing lunch. He always stay in office for late. And because of that he always has pain in his stomach. That's why. You don't worry today he will eat lunch because it's my job as his personal assistant. Let's eat. Both eat. Both coming nearly to  counter.

She give her her card. I will pay Erin. You pay next time. This is your parcel.Thank you. Both come out. She 
knock the door. Come. What happened Erin. Nothing boss,I just brought  lunch for you . He look up. Erin. I know boss you don't do lunch. Then why did you brought? For you to
eat . I am your personal assistant and it's my job to take care of your health, and that's why I brought it. You. Boss, please on this topic don't do argument
with meme, because I am going to give up. He was looking at her.

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