52 Love start again

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Early in the morning at the six am alarm rings and she gets up and look at the alarm,and turns off the alarm. What a bad dream. She go in the washroom and sleep nap while brushing her teeth. Get ready and come out . Brother, brother are in your room ? Brother. She open his room and come inside but he was not in the room. Again Prince . He was doing his boxing practicing.Take phone in hand and call him. His phone rings but he doesn't answer. Why don't he answer my call? And call him again . After hearing his phone rings .

a man come and took his phone in his hand and read the name. Yes ma'am.
Who is this ? What did you just say? Who is this ? The name ? Yes ma'am. Oh my! I forgot. Give me by phone . He picked up. Sister I will be there in 15 minutes. She is your sister. Yes. I have to go now, see you in airport. His friend ask. Have you tell her you are going abroad? No, I have not tell her. Then tell her, or she will beats me for not telling her. Don't worry, if she beats you I will send you hospital.

Prince . I will tell her, I have to go now. He rushed to go . He came on his
bike . She was standing there. He stop front of her. I have arrived on time and this is for you. Now don't ask me, what is this? This is your breakfast. She look the breakfast . sandwich. Yes, it's your favorite. She smile. Stop looking at me and let's go, you are getting late for your interview. She sit on the bike. he rides a bike very fast and she was eating on the bike. He comes front of the office and stop the bike , she come down.

See you after my interview, bye. She go a few steps forward. One second, Erin . Yes, do you want to say anything . He was thinking. Say it, I am getting late. Nothing, after your interview got done call me then I will tell me but you have to promise me you won't get angry on me. Why are you saying like that? He started the bike and go very fast. Hey! Forget, I am late. The people's have come for interview all are sitting together, a girl came and said .

The interview get done. Everyone shock. A girl said: What are you saying ? Erin was setting very clamly and with no worry . Yes, the interviews got don't, you all can go now. A girl said. Is this a joke, no one has took interview and you are saying the interview done. No, questions. Another one said. Can you tell us ,who cancelled the interview ? From them behind a girl said . It's me. All of them look at her. She takes off her glasses with style . It's me, who cancelled the interviews . Do you have any nothing question, if don't then you all can go.

Erin and all start leaving. Excuse me. Me. Yes, you come with me. Both come to her office. Have a sit. Do you know who I am? Yes, you are the director of "Han Group" . You are right. But i am also sister of Lee , As am his sister I am appointing you as his secretary, personal assistant. But you have not took my interview. I know about you. You know. Yeah, I mean, I think you can do this. Do you know how's my brother behavior is?, he is very strict, he never give anyone another chance.

I know this, and i also know that he has fired his many assistants because of small mistakes, and in last three months he had been fired seven
assistants and now I am the eight that you have at work right now Keeping. And you still want to work us his assistant ? Yes, because I am not as others, they got fired because they are not me. I like your confidence. Then, let me give you a advice, collect information about him it will be easy
for you to work with him. 'Ok, they must be happy to see you.

Who? She point her towards the wall.
the wall was made of glass and employees was hearing their talk. What they all are doing. Come with me, you will find out. Both stand up. While going toward the door. So, from now on you his secretary. 'Yes, . She open the door . Everyone said : Hello ma'am , we are just. I know what you are doing . A man ask. Ma'am, who is this girl? Is she is boss's new assistant? Yes, her name is Erin , your boss's new assistant . Everyone gets happy. Thank you ma'am.

Min from now on you don't mean to do boss's work, Erin will handle everything. I am leaving now. After she go everyone come her near. We all have a question to aks you. You are really boss's new assistant? Yes, I am. Hello, my name is Erin . Hi, hi. Min said : Please, you don't leave us. If you leave then again I have to do both works boss's work and office work. Don't worry, i am not going to anywhere . Everyone say together. Best of luck. Min go and get a flower and give her. This is for you. Thank you. Best of luck.

Thank you. Lee's sister's phone ring, she picked up ,she was in the car . Yes, brother. While doing his fase to back side ,he was sitting in her room from he can see city. I heard that you canceled the interview. Yes I did. But why, you know how much I need an assistant. If you need an assistant so much then why did you fire the last assistant. You know I hate mistakes and he made mistakes . Don't worry,
I have keep assistant for you, her name is Erin,you will definitely like her. Don't be too rude with her , she will get scared.

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