61 You can tell me if there is any problem

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                   It's done. Yes, it's done, and you don't run anywhere. I am okay. Stop saying, I am okay. You don't need to say okay your okay when you are really not okay. Your lunch. He stand up and sit besides her. I will eat it later. He was looking at her and she was looking front shw trun his face towards him and he immediately turned his face to another side. What happened boss? He turned to her. What happened?, nothing has happened . Okay then I am going back on my work.she start standing  up but he hold her right hand and stop .

She look at him both was looking each other and then after a moments he said. Stay with me. What? He leave her hand . I am mean, stay here for a while then go and also you was not even able to walk, sit. No. It my order. 'Okay, . She sit besides him. For some time both don't even look at each other's nor talk with each other's and then he looks at her, she was looking another side. Erin . Yes, and she looks at him. Yes, boss. He doesn't understanding what to say. You.. . I.. .
I mean... .

Boss, say it clearly , I am not understanding . I mean. 'Yes, . You have something to say . Me . Yes, you where saying employees will talk about us again, did they say something to you. She was quite. Tell me, did they say anything to you? No, they have not say anything . Are you sure ? Yes, I am. They have not say anything to me. Look, you, if you have anything problem, anyone say anything to you then you can tell about that, I am with you. I am telling you truth they have not said anything. Ok, if you are saying that.

But remember my words, I am with you , if you need my help then tell me, okay? Look at in my eyes and answer me. She looks up to him . "Hum"! Have you eat something ? She shakes her head with no . 'Ok,. Erin come i will dropped you. I have called
Taxis are not allowed to enter "Han Group". But last time. Stop talking and come with me. Both was going in the car. She was sitting quite. What happen, why are you so quite ? She don't give him answer. Erin I  am talking to you, Erin . 'Yes,.

Are you okay ? 'Yes, I am okay. Did you ask me anything? No,i didn't ask you anything, I just said 'why are you so quite. Nothing, I am just think about someone. About someone. Yes, I am missing him very much. About Whom you are thinking , your boyfriend?.No, I don't have any boyfriend. He look at another side and says in the mind . For a moment my soul has left my body and then smile . That's good . What did you say? I mean about what then ? My brother. Oh! Your brother. What he do ? He is professional  boxer.

A boxer. 'Yes,. Can i ask you a question. 'Yes, . Why did you join "Han Group" ? Because when I was in college my friends used to tell me about "Han Group " and you. They always tell me that, you are a heartless CEO, you never forgive anyone for their mistake nor give anyone about chance. What they said is right . Yes, you are right, it's true you never give anyone another chance but now you have give, and also I don't think you are heartless person, you always stay busy in work and I think that's why you are not close to others.

But it's okay, work is work. You mean it, what you have just said. Yes, of course. Then what do you think what type of person I am. You are hardworking, you never make difference between people's, and absolutely you are not heartless , you just need that one person who (  He was looking at her.) understand you more than anyone else, the one you can tell everything the things is going on inside you ,you . She looks at him and get quite. Erin. 'Yeah, . I had never let anyone come near to me, expect my mother and sister.

I never let anyone to become part of my life, and expect both of them you are the only one person whom I let to come near to me, I the person I want to tell everything is you . She was looking at him, and he stop the car. We are arrived. What? Your house, we have come. Oh! ( She open her Sitbealet.) Thank you boss for dropping me home . No need to say thank you, I can. Forget it, bye, bye. She comes out of the car and start going, but her neighbor came, he wa in  some distance from her.

Wait for me . She stand up for him there close to his car. He comes and said. Hey! Why are you so late today.
He was looking at both of them. I have  something work to do. He comes out of the car and said . What are you doing here?  He is also my neighbor.
"Geighbor,". Yes, I am his neighbor and. And what? Nothing, you will know soon. Erin go home safely and call me if you need anything . 'Ok,. He sit in the car and go from there. Both was going inside. You know about your and boss rumor right?

Yes, I know. Then leave the job. What! Hey, what are you saying? I mean is they will talk about you more the way he is behaving with you, I don't think he is good person. Both was going inside the elevator and she was saying. How can you say like this about your boss. If you think and say like this about him then others will also start talking like you. You need to change yourself. I am says anything wrong. Think what you want, I am leaving. I am saying again leave the job.

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