100 Is the baby coming

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         What do think ? What the baby will be ? And what you want girl or boy. I don't know . I am happy with both of them . No, matter who he will be girl or boy I will still be their mother and you are their father .

Yeah, but I want girl . I don't baby boy. You can't say this . He point a finger towards the baby. Hey! You must be a baby girl . Okay, okay now sleep .

In the living room while sitting on the sofa , she was looking his photos in the phone . No, this is not good. Not also this . He come and sit on the sofa near to her .

What are you looking in the phone ? Your photos . My photos . I get it . What ? Your perfect picture .
And she sets that photo on the phone's wallpaper . And then show him. See, you are looking handsome in this picture . I was born handsome . Stop, stop . Why did you change the picture ?

Because, when a pregnant woman see picture of a same person all the time the child born like the person. It's means the baby girl will be like me . Yee, but her behavior will be like me and I will teach her fight .

What ? Are you serious ?

Yeah, of course . She have to know how to fight . It's means now I only get beaten by you, but after some time I will get beaten by you both . Wow! This is nice . She laugh . Yes, you are right . No, I don't want to get beaten by my own daughter .

Why would be she hits you ? Why you beat me ? I don't want get beaten up by you both . She was laughing . Stop laughing . Sorry, but I control myself. Your behavior is very cute but you are . You are getting scared of your daughter who doesn't even come into this world .

   I love my daughter . I have also decide the name . Really ? Yeah, If it is a girl, we will name her Pihu and if it is a boy, we will name him Aayan . It's nice names .

           His hand was in her both eyes. While closing her eyes he was taking her . Lee why did you close my eyes . You will know soon . Tell me . Just one minute .

He bring her into a room . We have arrived. Now, one, two, three and surprise . He take of the hand from her eyes and was so surprise to see the room. She look at him .

What is this ? He go forward. This is for our baby . In the room have too many teddy bears, dolls ,toys and the all the things a  children need to play. The room was decorated very beautiful for new child .

Do you like it . It's beautiful. But don't you think it too much ? It's okay to have toy and some other things but the others . He will be able to play with other toys when he is two or three years old.

     Don't worry, I will change others stuff . Come over . She comes forward. This clothes for her and this for him . What about this now ? Lee . Yeah . Is he is going to join office after one and he have born . All this clothes size is too big .

The baby will be too small . But I have choose it all this by myself . When you go there to buy all this stuff ;did you ask anyone there ? No, I have not . Why don't you tell me when you go to buy all this stuff ? I want to give a surprise but . She comes his close and touch his face with right hand very lovely .

    You have done evey thing very beautiful, it's just don't have a experience that's why you have done some mistake. Don't get sad . She hold his face with both hands and kiss on his forehead .

It's beautiful room. Our baby has like it . He kicked . What ? He just kicked. He gets very very happy and touch the baby bump and try to feel the baby . And the baby kicked again . It's kicking. Yeah, it's kicking . His kick is very strong . Both was looking at each other's and laugh. He kiss her .

  When he was sleeping she makes him wake up . Lee get up . Lee . Wake up. He wake up while getting scared. What happened ? Is the baby coming ? Lee listen to me . What will i do now . I have to call the doctor first. Lee I am okay .

Don't worry . He was getting nervous very much . What will I do now ? She  says . Lee I am okay. The baby is not coming right now. Are you sure Lee. Then why did you wake me up ? Because I want to eat icecream .

Oh! Icecream . For icecream you wake me up . I did say anything to you,you gets nervous by your own . I want to eat icecream .

Yes, your highness . And he go out to get icecream for her . After some minutes he comes back . This is your favorite chocolate icecream . Thank you, you can sleep now .

Seriously. Yes, you can sleep now.  If I need anything i will wake you up again. You can wake me up hundred times but please don't scared me every time. It's not my mistake ; you gets scared by your.

        Lee was taking care of her in a very good way , Doesn't even let me climb stairs,he picked up her in arms and take her to the top of the stairs. While watching funny move she was crying .

Her mood changes are increasing . And he wiped her tears.
He brings her to the hospital for delivery. While her delivery he was with her.

She has holding his right hand and bites on his hand . He control himself very hardly . In the hospital room. In his hands have a baby and one is in her hands .

He has saying to baby . My baby girl is very beautiful . The mom, sister and the Prince also have there. Sister says. Let's take photo together. A happy family photo . And she click the photo. A happy ending of this beautiful love story .

      With this beautiful happy ending our this love story the story have end.

Bye bye see in next beautiful story.

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