Through The Years

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4 years old

A small cry left your lips as your arm scraped against the concrete gutter as you fell.

"Ow!" You exclaimed and pouted, clutching at your elbow.

You sat there feeling sorry for yourself until suddenly a small boy with bright blue eyes and a toothy smile came running over to you.

"Are you okay?" He asked, crouching down in front of you.

"I hurt my elbow playing hopscotch." You mumbled as a tear trailed down your cheek.

"Here, let me help you." He said as he took your arm in his hand and examined the little cut.

It was hardly bleeding but he took great care in looking after it.

"Hey don't cry!" He begged you suddenly when he saw your face.

Carefully, he wiped away the tear from your cheek with his thumb before suddenly gently kissing your elbow where it hurt.

"There, all better?" He grinned up at you hopefully.

You nodded at him, a smile spreading across your face.

"I'm Bucky." He beamed. "Can we be friends?"

6 years old

"Hey (Y/N) wait up!" You heard a familiar voice call from behind you.

"You can't catch me Bucky!" You shouted back in amusement.

Literally, in the two years you had known him, running seemed to be the only thing that you were better at than him and of course you teased him about it.

"No seriously (Y/N), wait! I've got something to tell you." He yelled.

You turned around, crossing your arms and tapping your foot impatiently. Finally he got to you, leaning against your shoulder to catch his breath.

"You see that guy over there?" He gasped, pointing at the little blond boy sitting at the edge of the field.

"Yeah isn't that Steve Rogers?" You asked.

"Yeah and he's got no one to hang out with so I was wondering if he could hang out with us?" He explained.

"Sure, he seems nice." You shrugged before following him back over to the small boy.

7 years old

You didn't want to admit it, but Steve and Bucky had gotten a lot closer than you intended. You loved Steve, he was one of your best friends now, but the fact that he had stolen your best friend Bucky away from you didn't sit well with you either. It was weird sharing him and you missed having him all to yourself in a way.

"Come on guys! Come play on the playground with me!" You shouted to the two boys who were sitting on the park bench.

"No thanks (Y/N), I think I'll just stay here with Steve. It's not really fair that he can't go on it." Bucky looked up at you sheepishly where you hung from the monkey bars.

Your heart sank a little but you brushed it off and carried on swinging.

13 years old

"Which  one do you guys want to see?" Bucky asked, draping a hand around each of your and Steve's shoulders.

For some reason this motion set butterflies off in your stomach.

"Whatever." Steve shrugged.

"Okay, well then it's all up to you (Y/N), no pressure." Bucky winked at you with a cheeky smirk.

Pre War Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now