I'd Do Anything To Be On That Plane With You

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This ones going to be a little bit different. I've done this kind of thing in a few of my other one shot books. Sometimes I just really wonder what would've happened if...

What if Steve saved Bucky from falling off the train and he was on that plane with him?

Bucky hides himself behind a shelf and waits for something to happen. The longer he waits the more he doubts his plan.

That is if you can even call it a plan. Ever since that close call on the train Steve has been so over protective of him, even more over protective than Bucky was before when Steve was little.

It's driving him insane. Frequent doctors check ups, hardly letting him come on missions or out on the field. Bucky wanted so badly to help him out with today's battle. It is literally a life or death situation for the whole world. It could kill Steve.

He knows exactly what Steve is probably doing right about now and is shitting his pants at the thought of it all going wrong which it very easily could. All he wanted was to be beside his best friend backing him up. But as much as he insisted on fighting side by side with him, Steve insisted that Bucky do no more than storm the base with the rest of his army and do no more than everyone else.

Of course Bucky wasn't going to settle for that. So while they all filed in he snuck off and found the plane and hid on board.

So here he is. Waiting. Praying. Watching. Thinking. For anything to happen.

Suddenly he can hear the clanging of boots on the metal grated floor. His hand instinctively closes around the gun in his belt and he holds his breath as the footsteps get closer.

He doesn't know who it is so he has to wait and see. Finally there is a flash of red through the shadows as the red skull comes just into view between the shelves.

As he walks around the corner Bucky pounces on him without even thinking.

"What have you done to me?" He snarls in the Red Skull's ear as he presses his gun around his throat.

"Ahaha! So it worked?" The Red Skull sneers in reply.

"What do you mean?" Bucky hisses and presses the gun tighter.

"Noticed anything different about yourself boy? Higher energy? Quicker recovery? Higher speed?" He chuckles.

Bucky falters, that's exactly the kind of things Bucky has noticed since his torcher under Dr Zola.

"What are you talking about?" He insists.

"You like what Dr Erskine did to your friend Captain America?" The Red Skull teases.

"Depends. In one way it has given Steve what he's always wanted but in another way he's not my little Stevie anymore." Bucky shrugs in dry humour, never releasing his grip.

"Well I'm sorry my friend but you're going to have to start liking it, because your becoming one of us now." The Red Skull grins menacingly.

"W-what?" Bucky gasps and let's go of him.

He spins around and glares daggers at Bucky, slowly stepping towards him.

"You were the prototype of a different version of the serum and now that we know that it worked, Hydra can build a whole army of super soldiers!" He exclaims triumphantly.

"Over my dead body!" Bucky shouts and points his gun at the Red Skull but on the inside he's terrified.

He doesn't want to be like Steve is now, he never even wanted to go to war. What's going to happen to him now if he has enhanced abilities too?

Pre War Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now