The Howlies

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You huddle into Bucky's side for warmth at the back of the cramped cell.

Since you were helping his unit - the 107th infantry - you and him have become rather close. Not necessarily in a romantic way, he's kind of like your older brother. In saying that though you haven't had the chance to explore it any further yet.

He took great interest in the fact that you were a woman in combat, and not for the reasons that most other men did. He was genuinely interested in how you were an on sight nurse and a pilot as well.

But now you were wishing that you had never signed up in the first place. Not since you had decided to sneak onto the front lines with the boys and then been ambushed by hydra agents. Trying to be a hero sure backfired on you, maybe girls just weren't cut out for combat.

You remember Bucky's face when he saw you get chucked in the cell beside his.

"(Y/N/N)! What the hell are you doing here doll?" he exclaimed, his face draining of colour as he rushed over to get as close to you as he possibly could.

You reached through the bars to grab his hands terrified.

"Bucky! I wanted to fight and make a difference. I'm scared. What's happening?" You whimpered.

"You already made a difference doll and I'm not sure." He shook his head gravely and kissed your knuckles. "But I'm going to make sure you're protected whatever it is."

You don't know how long ago that was now. You've lost track of time. All you know was that the first time you were let out Bucky made sure you came back into the same cell as him when you had to.

It's awful here. In no way is this standard living or working conditions. Everyday you are all sent to do your assigned duties with nothing to eat. You haven't seen a patch of daylight since you got here or had a breath of fresh air. The place is just stagnant, cramped, dark and damp.

The worst thing for you though is not having to share this tiny space with hundreds of other men. No, these men have developed a sort of respect for you. They know you. It's your duties that are the worst part. As the only girl your job isn't to hack away at coal or build machines like all the guys. Instead it is your duty to relieve the hydra agents of their manly longings, as they called it.

It's awful. They're so rough and brutal and relentless. They do whatever they want to you for however long they want and don't stop even when you're begging for them to stop and screaming in pain, sometimes even passing out.

So now at the end of another day Bucky has his arm wrapped around you trying to sooth you as best he can while you clutch onto him for dear life staring blankly into space thinking about what was just done to you. He runs his hand gently up and down your side and cuddles you into his chest.

"Shh, shh it's okay." He whispers in your ear as the fresh, sticky tears dry in their trails on your dirt caked face.

This is how it goes everyday.


Over time things start to seem bleaker and bleaker. There is a colonel there that for some reason out of all the men has decided to pick on Bucky in particular - to be honest probably because he would've talked back with his smart mouth - and consequently beats him everyday.

Bucky comes stumbling back into the cell with fresh bruises and gashes, some that should get medical attention. It's weakening his state far more rapidly than it should be, he's getting infections and blood loss and not to mention lack of nutrition isn't helping either.

You're worried about him. You know what happens to the other soldiers who have become too weak to carry on and you don't even want to think about that happening to Bucky.

One night however is different to others. Often you are done with for the day before the men are so you always wait nervously at the cell door to see Bucky when he first comes back. The two of you always make sure you're in the same cell and the hydra agents don't really care who goes where either.

As the crowds of men start to pile in you scan for Bucky but can't see him. Finally as the last few scatter into the cells and the doors are creaked shut a heavy ball forms in your chest and your breathing starts to become more rapid.

Where is he? You can't see him.

Your eyes frantically flicker across the cell. Perhaps you didn't see him. He should be in here. He has to be in here.

Then you spot a familiar man. You've talked to him before, he's friends with Bucky. 

"Gabe!" You exclaim as you push through the crowd to get to him. "Where's Bucky?"

"I don't know (Y/N)." He huffs and shakes his head, looking at you sadly. "Colonel Lohmer took him away. Bucky just got so sick of him and then hit him back. The colonel became so furious that he sacked him across the head with a crowbar and dragged him away. I have no idea what they're going to do to him."

"Oh my god." You whimper. "What if he doesn't come back? What if he kills him?"

'They won't kill him. That's to easy. They'll make him suffer," he says gravely.

You nod in understanding and walk away in a daze. There are so many possibilities of what could happen to Bucky that you don't even want to begin to think about them.

Instead you plant yourself in the corner and bite your nails while staring at the floor by the door, willing it to open and have Bucky come walking back in.

Nobody asks if your okay, they've got their own things to worry about.

You don't know how long you sit there for. But what you do know for certain is that it's getting late, most people are settling down in groups on the ground to go to sleep.

It must be the early hours of the morning when you hear the scuffing and shuffling of boots and the sound of something being dragged along the ground and a harsh voice yelling in the distance. The few people that are still awake - and some more that get woken by the racket - scramble to see what it is.

You don't raise your gaze, discovering that you're too exhausted to even do that. But whatever it is that the POW'S see mustn't be good because there is a collective hasp across multiple cells as the agents make there way down the line of cells.

"What the hell have you done?" You hear someone that you're sure is Gabe shout.

The ominous shuffling stops for a second.

"Oh you want him?" The all too familiar voice of Colonel Lohmer cackles before the awful noises resume.

Finally it draws near to your cell and you can make out a pair of shiny black leather boots and something else that you can't quite make out in the dim lighting. The crowd draws back scared as he opens the door.

"Get up! Get up you imbecile!" He spits and you discover that the other thing is in fact a person as they desperately scramble to their feet, barely able to hold their own weight.

You're heart squeezes in dreaded anticipation, guessing who it is.

"Get in there!" The colonel growls as he pushes the person, causing them to stumble forward.

Next thing you know there is a god awful thump as Bucky's body falls to the ground right in front of you.

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