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Bucky stared at the strange machine in front of him perplexed and full of dread. His fellow soldiers around him gasped in confusion. They all had no idea what it was but they knew it wasn't good. It started whirring and glowing bright blue as if it was going to fire at them.

"Move!" Bucky, along with a few others shouted unable to take his eyes away from the mesmerising blue light.

All of the men scrambled clumsily out of the ditch they were hiding in to find safer cover. But what they didn't realise was that they were surrounded, it was a trap.

Before he knew it Bucky ran into something hard and suddenly felt a firm grip on each of his arms. He looked up to see the black leather armour and haunting mask of none other than a hydra agent.

He looked around desperately only to see multiple others of his comrades running into the same situation.

He started to fight against the soldier holding him but their grip was strong and tight. He wriggled and squirmed and kicked at the strange man's shins to try and break free but he now had him wrapped in his arms with no way he could get out.

"Run boys! Run! Get out of here! Find safety!" He screamed as he looked around at half of his unit being caught and half just slipping away.

The hydra agent started to drag him away.

"Bucky! No!" He heard and whipped his head around to see one of his good mates he had made running towards him.

"No! Don't worry about me! Get yourself out of here!" Bucky yelled through gritted teeth as he tried to resist his captor.

As he was dragged further and further away it became dark and since he was already weak and malnourished he was quickly sapped of energy and he gave up fighting.

The man stopped to gag him and tie his hand and feet before continuing to carelessly drag him.

It wasn't long before he was picked up and chucked into the back of an army truck. He landed on something uncomfortable.

"Ahhh." It let out a muffled groan.

Bucky looked down and around only to realise that he was surrounded by many of the men from his unit, he recognised all their wide eyed, terrified faces.

They sat and lay in silence as the truck rolled off, not knowing what was going to become of them.

Suddenly Bucky had a truly upsetting thought. He was never going to get to see little Steve again. He began to wonder sadly how he was, if he was even still alive that was. He hoped that he had finally realised and given up on enlisting and started to take care of himself since Bucky was no longer there to do it. Bucky couldn't understand why he wanted to go to war so bad, he wouldn't have gone if he wasn't drafted but here's Steve breaking the law to try and get in.

His thoughts were interrupted when the truck screeched to a halt causing all the men to lurch in one direction. The men in the hydra masks reappeared and were grabbing them out and taking them into a huge concrete building.

As one grabbed Bucky and slung him over his shoulder Bucky could see everything as he was taken in, at first it was flash, full of machines much like the one they had just faced. But then he was taken further and further away, it was like he was underground and next thing he was thrown down on the ground they took away all of his ties and gag and kicked him so that he scooted back into what appeared to be a cell.

The soldier slammed the meal bar door shut and once bucky heard the murmurs around him he realised he was once again surrounded by fellow members of his team.

"Get some sleep slaves! You'll start work tomorrow." The guard which now stood in front of their door growled.

Slave? Work? What was going to happen to them?


Bucky's whole body ached as he once again bought the axe down against the hard packed dirt. They had been here who knows how long now and it was the same thing everyday.

Woken up, forced into the working chambers without food, left there for what they assumed was all day but they wouldn't know since there was no light, it was damp, dark, cold and silent except for the sounds of their tools. Later on they were let out and given a piece of moldy, stale bread as they were led back to their cells where they were left in the cramped conditions until the next day.

It wasn't good, all of the men were deteriorating, they hardly slept, the bread was no where near enough food for them, they were dehydrated. They had seen members of their team collapse and be dragged away to have who knows what done to them and then never return or even die right in front of them.

All of the men in Bucky's group had gotten very close due to the situation, it was sad to see one of them go. But they had all lost hope anyway. Bucky in particular knew he was in bad shape, that he was on his way out. He was so weak and ill. The heavy weight of the axe felt like it was going to drag him down to the ground with it.

Sometimes he wished it would so this could all just be over. There was no way they were ever going to get out of here.

His eyes were bloodshot and yellow stained, there were large purple bags under his eyes. He had developed a stinging cough and it hurt to breath. He had lost so much weight that it scared even him. Dirt and bruises covered his body. He was shivering with the cold but also had a fever, he could feel it by the temperature of his forehead and the way he was hallucinating.

As he lifted his axe above his head once more he felt it happening, he had black spots in his vision. His legs trembled and could no longer bare his weight and he crumpled to the ground.

"Barnes! No! Come on man stand up! You can do it!" The man beside him tried to help him up.

He helplessly tried to scramble to his feet again without making enough noise to alert the guard but he slipped again, too weak and before he knew it the guards were on top of him. They pummeled and punched him causing pain with every hit but he didn't fight back, he was too weak, too exhausted. He felt hot blood begin to drip from his nose.

"How dare you stop working! Get back to it! We didn't give you permission!" They yelled.

"Stop!" His friend piped up. "Can't you see? He's too weak and sick!"

"Well then, guess he will have to come with us." One of them said menacingly.

Bucky froze in terror all he wanted was to die but now he was going to suffer even more. He felt the man lifting him up, effortlessly with how light he had become and they began to carry him away.

He didn't even attempt to stop them though, he couldn't bring himself to move and everything hurt. He closed his eyes and all he could hear was his companions protests.

"What? No! Stop! Bucky! You can't do that to him!" A chorus of husky voices cried.

He felt a few people try to grab at him but the guards only yanked him further away. That was the last thing he remembered before he blacked out.


Bucky awoke to a searing pain in his right arm. He gasped and gingerly lifted his head to see that he was strapped to a table, a needle with a blue vile was being injected into his arm by a strange looking little man. It was causing excruciating pain that rippled through him and he couldn't help but scream in agony.

"W-what are you doing to me!" He panted, but he already knew the answer.

Torture, to get information out of him.

"Hello Sergeant..." The man started before trailing off and looking at Bucky's dog tag. "32557. I'm Dr Zola. And your my next test subject for my experiments. Let's see how long you last." He explained with a menacing grin.

Pre War Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now