Return the Favour (Part 3)

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You'd be lying if you said that Bucky hasn't crossed your mind since you left his and Steve's house two mornings ago. Considering he is a stranger, you feel as if you know a lot about him... probably too much.

Steve seems nice too, but Bucky is literally your hero. He saved you. Not only that but he is funny, charming and charismatic all wrapped up in a bundle of nice, sweet and kind and topped off with ribbon of good looks. You learnt all this over the breakfast he cooked the three of you of eggs from the chickens out the back and a fresh, warm loaf of bread from the bakery down the road.

You literally haven't stopped thinking about him since you left the house. It just seemed too good to be true. Like Prince Charming saving the damsel in distress. Except there was one problem; you haven't seen or heard from him since.

He has your phone number and address, if he wanted to see you again you're sure he would already have. You can't go waltzing back to their place, you've already been a burden to them and it would seem clingy.


You walk into the cafe, the smell of freshly baked muffins and strong coffee hitting you straight in the nostrils. Perfect, just what you wanted on your way to work.

As you head to the front of the shop you hear a familiar voice.

"No no ma'am please, you don't understand. I literally got paid yesterday. I had my wallet with me when I first got here. Someone must've pick pocketed it," the person says, clearly distressed.

"Well then, you should've checked before you ordered," whoever they are talking to says back in annoyance.

"But I did! I swear! I remember feeling for it in my pocket and it was there! Some bastard must've swiped it when I was ordering or when my jacket was over the back of my chair when I was eating," the person pleads. "Trust me I'm not the kind of person to muck people around like this I swear."

Your ears prick up by now and you look over to see a man and a waitress in an exchange, the waitress is clearly becoming increasingly annoyed.

Then it clicks. That short, fluffy brown hair and that familiar voice. It's Bucky! Normally with someone you've only just met you wouldn't interrupt but for some reason you find your feet moving in their direction.

"Hey!" You say cheerily and put a hand on Bucky's back right as his mouth is open to talk again.

Slightly startled he falters and looks at you, growing in confusion for a few seconds before his face lights up.

"Oh hi there!" He exclaims. "How're you doing (Y/N)?"

"I'm good thanks. You on the other hand don't look so good. What's the problem?" You ask.

"This man is trying to get away with not paying for his meal," the waitress says grumpily.

"Really," you say raising your eyebrows in surprise.

"I swear I'm not!" Bucky begs, turning back to her with a helpless look.

"I can second that." You nod. "Trust me, I've known Bucky for a long time and he would never do such a thing."

Bucky gives you a sideways look.

"Why should I believe you? And even if I do that's still not going to pay for the meal." The waitress quirks an eyebrow and puts her hands on her hips, looking very unimpressed.

"I don't expect you to and I totally understand, which is why I'll pay for the meal and we can all move on from this okay? Does that sound good?" You suggest.

"What? (Y/N) no! I can't let you do that," Bucky says incredulously and grabs your wrist as you start to reach for your purse.

"You've still waisted my time." The waitress huffs.

What a rude bitch, you can't help but think. It's so tempting to just walk on out.

"Trust me Buck it's fine. Payback for all those other times you've shouted me." You smile at him, egging him to play along.

"But-" he tries to disagree.

"What did you order?" You interrupt.

"Creamed coffee and a ham and cheese toasted sandwich," the waitress says fed up. "That comes to eighty nine cents."

(A/N: Not 100% sure on food prices back then. I just know it was very cheap so apologies if this is way off.)

"Okay." You sigh as you look through your wallet for a dollar bill.

"Sorry." You see Bucky mouth to you as you hand it over.

"Don't sweat it." You shrug. "Keep the change, for wasting your time," you say coldly to the waitress.

She gives you a look before walking off.

"Hey," Bucky whispers as you turn to face him. "Thank you so much, you didn't need to do that. I owe you."

"Are you serious?" You chuckle. "You literally saved my life the other day. I'm merely just returning the favour. One dollar is worth nothing compared to a life, if anything I still owe you."

"Well I wasn't just going to leave you to drown now was I?" Bucky points out.

"That's beside the point." You laugh.

"Okay though in all seriousness how are you now?" Bucky smiles.

"I'm good, haven't fallen into any more rivers so that's always a positive," you joke. "And yourself?"

"Well if I'm honest I thought it was going to be a good day but then my wallet got stolen so... not so great anymore." Bucky huffs.

"Oh yeah." You grimace. That's got to put a dampener on things."

"Yeah that oughta do it." He chuckles. "Anyway, I'm really sorry but I have to get to the docks for work, I'm already running late now. If I had money I would offer to buy you a bite to eat and a drink but you know, I can't really do that now sorry."

"Honestly you don't need to," you say kindly. "And it's okay. I have to get going too."

"Guess I'll have to do it some other time." He smiles kindly and you swear you can see a faint blush tinting his cheeks.

The two of you just stand there staring into each other's eyes for a few moments, neither of you moving despite needing to until someone brushes past Bucky.

"Oh sorry." He mumbles to them.

It seems to shake him out of his trance and he coughs to clear his throats as he looks back to you.

"Um, I should get going." He blushes again.

"Yeah." You nod in agreement.

"I'll see you later." He smiles and tips his hate graciously as he turns to walk away. "'Till next time."

You nod and bite your lip to hold back a grin and wave as he disappears into the busy crowd of the cafe before heading to work yourself.

You spend the whole day smiling and feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

Some other time, he said. Your stomach does a nervous, excited flip. I'll see you later. 'Till next time.

The question is, when will that be?

Pre War Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now