Take Me Away

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"Miss, we need you to go find Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes and bring him in for examination. He's one of the soldiers that have just been bought back from Azzano." The head nurse says to you. "He should be easy to spot. No doubt he'll be right at Captain Roger's side. Apparently he's his best friend and the Captain just rescued him from bring tortured so he'll be keeping a close eye on him."

"No problem. Anything I can identify him by?" You ask as you organise her things.

"Brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin. That's pretty much all I know sorry." She shrugs.

"Okay I'll go fetch him." You say and head outside.

You don't expect the crowd to be so big. You don't realise how big of a deal it was but when you see the caliber of injured soldiers you realise how much of an amazing feat this rescue is.

Finding Captain America is easy. The crowd is thicker and the cheering is much louder right around where he he is. There's no wondering who he is either. Not with that face or that stature or that brightly coloured top.

And quickly after you find him you spot who surely has to be Bucky. You didn't expect him to be that good looking either. In fact he's very hot, especially considering what he's just been through.

You push through the surging crowd and manage to get to him. Coming up beside him you lightly tap him on the shoulder to get his attention.

"Excuse me." You shout over the roar of the crowd. "Excuse me sir."

It takes a few seconds for him to notice, he's too busy clapping for Captain Rogers. But when he does notice you he looks at you in such a way that makes you feel uncomfortable. It's like he's in a daze.

The truth is he's absolutely awestruck by you. To him, you're truly beautiful.

"Excuse me are you Sergeant Barnes?" You ask him self consciously. "Hello?" You ask when he just keeps staring at you and doesn't answer.

"W-what?" He stutters as he shakes his head to clear his head. "Sorry?"

"Are you Sergeant James Barnes?" You chuckle sheepishly.

"Oh right sorry, um, yeah. Yeah I am." He says still slightly confused and looks at the ground, rubbing the back of his neck and blushing lightly.

"Alright would you mind coming with me? We need to give you a check up." You smile sweetly.

"Oh yeah. Sure. By all means. Take me away." He says taken aback and looks at you shocked.

"Great. Follow me." You smile.

As you head back out of the crowd he follows right behind you to the hospital tent where you give him the protocol examination.

The stuttering, shy guy who struggled to get a word out that you were just outside with suddenly seems to have been replaced by a charming, confident young man with a witty humour who doesn't know when to shut up. For a second you almost think you got him mixed up with someone else in the crowd but you'd recognise his blue eyes anywhere. They were the first thing you noticed about him.

You actually find his demeanour very cute and amusing.

"So Sergeant Barnes." You huff.

"Please, call me Bucky." He says softly as he looks at you.

"I'm not supposed to-" You start.

"Please." He says politely. "It's fine."

"Okay, Bucky. Sounds like you got yourself in quite a bit of trouble back there I here?" You ask as you take his pulse.

Pre War Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now