Rekindling A Romance (Part 5)

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"Y-you don't have to say yes if you don't want to. I understand. It's okay," Bucky says, although you can tell by the way that he falters that he's nervous and having regrets.

You're just shocked. You did not expect this tonight.

"Bucky I-I," you stutter, thinking seriously hard.

Finally you come to the conclusion that the good times you have had with Bucky far outweigh the bad, you've never felt the way you do about him with anyone else and in that time you've learnt so much about him. One of those things being that when Bucky sets his mind to something he goes through with it, which leads you to believe that he really is making a change for the better.

You look down at him, smiling nervously up at you as he holds out the ring, his hands shaking slightly, the whole parlour gawking at you expectantly.

"Yes," you finally beam and let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding. "Yes! Yes! Yes Buck! I'd love to be your wife."

He let's out a loud sigh of relief and instantly stands up to meet you in a hug. Embracing you tightly he lifts you off the ground and spins you around before smashing his lips to yours in a deep, lingering kiss. Both of you stay there with your eyes closed as you tangle your fingers through the short, curly hair at the nape of his neck.

Finally he pulls away and takes your hand, carefully slipping the ring onto your finger. It fits perfectly and is absolutely beautiful, simple but elegant just the way you like things. A sleek, silver band with a diamond.

"Bucky this must've cost you so much." You gasp as you admire it.

"Only my left arm," he jokes with a shrug. "But it doesn't matter. It's all worth it for you doll," he adds beaming brightly.

Suddenly everyone around you starts cheering and clapping. You blush in embarrassment. Meanwhile Bucky soaks it all in, grinning, waving and bowing. How typical of him.

You hide your face in your hands and bury your head in Bucky's chest. Almost instantly you feel his arms wrap around your torso and his lips being pressed firmly against your head.


You sit curled up on the couch and look at your ring yet again and can't contain the smile tugging at your lips. You can't help but admire it any spare moment you have.

Suddenly you are interrupted by the front door to your house flying open and Steve coming barrelling inside. He literally leaps onto the couch, making you bounce up and down a little as he lands, without saying a single thing to you.

"Please, do come in," you say sarcastically.

"So." He huffs, ignoring your last comment. "Let me see."

You grin as you hold out your hand for him to see. He takes your hand and turns it over in amazement as he examines it critically and when he looks up at you with his mouth agape you can't help but make a little high pitched, excited noise.

"I have to admit," he says approvingly. "My brother chose well. I wasn't sure, but I am impressed."

"Didn't he?" You gush.

"And you know, I've been doing some thinking and the only thing I can put it down to is that you've got me to thank for all of this." He smirks smugly.

You let out a loud laugh although you know it's pretty much true.

"Oh, yes of course. How will I ever repay you?" you say sarcastically.

"You do owe me big time." Steve agrees, nodding playfully. "Let's see, how can you make it up to me." He sighs and taps his chin thoughtfully. "Best man?"

"That's already a give away," you deadpan.

"An extra big slice of wedding cake?" He suggests cheekily.

"I wouldn't expect any less." You shrug.

"A mention in the vows?" He grins.

"Okay now you're just pushing it." You laugh.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: If anyone has any ideas or requests for things that they want at the wedding/ how they want it to look please let me know! I want to make it one that you all love.

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