You Saved Me

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"Help! Please! Nurse! We need help!" You hear a rough voice call from the entrance of the medical tent.

Looking up you can see all of the other nurses are busy so you run over to the two soldiers standing in the doorway yourself.

"What's the problem?" You ask.

"One of our friends is really sick. He hasn't been well all week and he's even worse today. I think he might have a fever." One of them explains with worry in his expression. "Please help him."

"Where is he?" You ask seriously.

They hurriedly lead you through the muddy rows of tents. Everything is damp and flooded and dirty from the torrential rain the week before.

You enter a tent that is dimly lit with no one in it. Or at least you think that is until you hear the coughing.

"Bucky?" The other man who didn't speak before asks as you approach the bed in the far corner.

"Hmm?" You hear a quiet, pained groan in reply.

"Buck? We've got someone hear who's gonna help you." The first one says as you stand around the bed. "Isn't that good?"

"No no. I told you, I'm fine. I don't need any help." The ill man lying on the bed croaks before being cut off by a round of rattly coughs.

It becomes so severe that he has to sit up clutching his stomach and dry retch. His raspy breathing indicates that he is struggling to breath.

"No your not Barnes. I know you don't want to get shoved in that god awful hospital tent full of germs and disease but your too sick now. We can't leave it any longer." One of them says sternly.

"I-i can treat you in here if you'd like?" You say sheepishly, catching on to the issue.

"Really? You'd do that?" One asks looking up at you in shock, but with hopeful eyes at the same time.

"Yeah, I mean I don't exactly like it in there either. But it will have to be kept a secret. Don't tell anyone or I could loose my job. I'll need you two to help me bring all my gear in and as long as I don't hang around for too long at a time we should be fine." You explain.

"Wow, thank you! Did ya hear that Buck? You're gonna be okay!" One of the men exclaims and pats him on the shoulder.

The sick one, Bucky, smiles wryly and nods his head at his friend.

"Well I can't make any promises but I mean I'll try my best." You smile.

The truth is that you guys don't have many supplies to treat things other than wounds out hear and this guy seems pretty sick.

"Thank you." One of them sighs. "I'm Rick by the way, and that's Sev and Bucky." He says pointing to each of his friends.

"No problem Rick. If anything your doing me a favour by getting me out of there. I haven't actually managed to do anything for you yet so we'll just see." You say.

"Hey, it's the thought that counts right?" He grins.

You smile before glancing down at Bucky. He looks like he's about to pass out, eyes flickering back into his head and head lolling to the side.

"We better get started." You huff. "Do you two want to come with me and help me bring my gear over?"

"Sure thing. Hang tight Buck, we'll be right back." Rick says.

"Mhm." Bucky mumbles half conscious, nodding lazily.

You doubt he would even notice if you guys didn't say anything and still left.

Pre War Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now