The Not-So-Fun Fair

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If you guys want to you can imagine this to be a carry on from Nothing Lasts Forever.


This was the day you had been dreading for the last seven weeks now.

Note to self: Never buy tickets to something so far in advance with your significant other that could leave time for drastic changes in your relationship before the actual time of the event.

You see the problem you have today is that Bucky and you broke up nearly two months back - not at all on good terms - but you have tickets together along with Steve to go to a carnival that is in town.

Sure you're still close friends with Steve but you haven't even talked to Bucky let alone acknowledged him with anything more than a filthy look since the break up. So being around him for a whole day at a place that is meant to be fun is the last thing you want to be doing, but you paid good money for your ticket so you aren't going to put it to waste.

You remember Steve reiterating to you what Bucky had said about the situation too.

"His precise words were 'I had to spend a whole extra week, including the weekend mowing lawns around the neighbourhood just to buy that ticket so I'm going whether she wants me to or not. I'm not letting her ruin my day'," Steve said with a nervous look on his face. "Please don't shoot the messenger."

You just hope that Steve will be enough of a distraction between the two of you to keep you from going at each others throats or that you'll see some of your other friends there and just go off with them.

You're not even really sure what happened or why you even broke up but you sure as hell are mad at Bucky. You shouldn't have to apologise because there's nothing for you to apologise for, right? There was just a shit tonne of yelling and screaming about something you were mad about that he was denying and then he just kicked you out. And it was all his fault... Right?


At the fun fair things are even worse than you thought they were going to be. Not only is it awkward between you two but Bucky has the audacity to point the finger at you too. Steve really is being no help as the mediator and you haven't seen any of your other friends either. It just seems that everything you have to say, he has something to say against it.

For example, at the game where you whack that thing and try to get it to go up and ding the bell, Steve thinks he is being helpful by trying to get you two to interact.

But the problem is that you two don't want to interact, his job is to just distract you both.

"Hey Buck why don't you do it for (Y/N/N)? I'm sure you'll be our best chance at winning something." He suggests innocently.

And while behind Bucky's back he's giving you the thumbs up and wiggling his eyebrows, your just shooting daggers at him from your eyes.

How could he? You can't let Bucky get something up on you.

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