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The icy winter wind nipped at the exposed skin of your face and you found yourself subconsciously tugging the harsh fabric of your woolen scarf up over your nose. You crinkled your eyes and pushed on through the increasingly heavy snow fall as you rushed across the street to the safety of the neighbouring footpaths veranda, careful not to slip on the roads icy surface.

The cover bought little to no shelter from the cold nor the wind or snow and you found your feet automatically turning into the doorway of the bar just down the road.

The warm lighting, the happy voices, the large crowd all drew you in. It wasn't dark yet. You had time to stop for a drink before you headed home. Not that you had to get home for anything either.

You opened the door and were greeted by the soft chiming of the doorbell above your head and a wall of heat so sudden and intense that it almost knocked you back outside. The door swung shut, causing a rush of freezing air to slip inside and curl up the underside of your skirt. 

A free stool at the bar invited you over to it and you removed your coat, draping it over the seat before smoothing your skirt and sitting on it.

"What can I get for you ma'am?" The old bartender asked with a welcoming smile as he came over to you, wiping at the inside of a spit shined glass.

"Just a whiskey please." You smiled, imagining the burning liquid trickling down your throat and warming you up.

"Comin' right up." He beamed.

You turned to take in your surroundings as you waited. Tables upon tables full of groups of people - mostly men - laughing hysterically after having a few too many drinks. You found all of them quite repulsive actually the way that they could just drink themselves numb like this. Reeking of alcohol and greasy skin.

The sound of a glass scraping across wood gestured for you to turn back around and sure enough there sat a fresh glass of light brown liquor.

Just as you were lifting the glass to your lips out of the corner of your eye you caught sight of the man sitting next to you gawking in your direction. You took a sip before placing your glass back down and turning to him.

"Can I help you with something?" You asked, with a quirked eyebrow.

"I sure do like a lady who can drink." He grinned, voice dangerously low and rumbling.

"Excuse me?" You frowned in disbelief.

"You heard me." He smirked, his hand finding its way under your skirt and up your thigh with a grip that was a little too tight, a little too shaky for your liking.

The glassy look in his eyes and the stale smell on his breath was the tattle tale sign that he was far from sober.

"I beg your pardon? Do you mind?" You exclaimed and tried to slap his hand away.

But it was to no avail. He only snarled and using his foot hooked around your stool, pulled it closer. You gasped and put your hands on his chest trying to push him away. You wanted no part in this.

"Come on darling. A pretty girl like you can't say no to a piece of this." He murmured in your ear.

You pulled back and made a horrified sound. Your hand was already coming up to slap this man across the face when a firm hand was placed on his shoulder and yanked him backwards out of his chair.

"Hey!" A deep, warning voice growled.

You looked up in shock only to find yourself lost in the bluest eyes you had ever come across.

"I'm sorry ma'am is this man bothering you?" The man asked you politely.

You didn't answer, half because you were too scared of the other man and half because you were too mesmerised by those eyes.

Pre War Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now