I'll Keep This Secret For You (Part 16)

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(A/N): I haven't seen Agents of Shield so I'm not 100% sure on how accurate some of the stuff I am writing here is so if it's terribly wrong feel free to let me know and I'll try to fix it as best as possible and I apologise in advance.

20 Years Later:

Isla's POV:

I remember when I first said to mum that I want to be a shield agent. She had told me so much about my father and he sounded like such an amazing man.

When Peggy Carter set up S.H.I.E.L.D and made him an honorary agent just so that his name could be the first one up on the wall my mother and I couldn't have been happier. Luke on the other hand couldn't have cared less, which is sad. Let's just say he was probably too busy somewhere down a back alley doing a drug deal.

Although my fathers death may have turned him into a lost cause, I was determined that I was going to have the complete opposite outcome.

So when we got to visit the shield facility nearest to us, and I saw my fathers name on that wall I thought.

What better way to avenge his death than to become an agent of shield? 

That way I can get back at the kinds of people who caused him to die.

I never met my father. But I knew that he was a good man with a kind, brave heart. This was enough of a driving force to make me want to be an agent with a passion that not many people would understand.

Mother of course was hesitant to let me go after what had happened to him but I assured her that I would be fine and that this is what I wanted.

So I packed up from Brooklyn, left school two years early and moved to Washington D.C. to train to become one of the best agents shield would ever see. The minute Peggy learned that this is what I wanted to do she was over the moon.

We had been in contact on and off with her since dad and Steve's disappearances. Turns out she was a good friend of theirs. She was more than happy to let me in to the academy and to have the best training available. She even let me flat with her until I was more stable on my own two feet in the big city.

And that is what led me to where I am now.

Twenty six years old and one of the most top of the line agents that shield has to offer. Ten years training and experience under my belt and an array of skills just as wide to match.

Today I am heading out on the biggest mission of my life. It's also probably the briefest mission I have ever been given. Which makes me nervous.

We don't know much about the target. For around the last four or five years he has been popping up randomly. He seems to specialise in assassinations. But the problem is he disappears as quickly as he first shows.

All we know is that he is highly skilled and dangerous. From the reports we have gotten of him he has a keen eye for sharp shooting and in the few cases where he does engage in hand to hand combat he is extremely well trained in it.

All of his assassinations have been successful so far and that's the problem. The reports are just word of mouth. We don't know who he works for. We don't know his motives. He hasn't been around long enough for us to have stockpiled a decent amount of info on him. Our resources are pretty thin.

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