Finally (Part 12)

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You've never actually seen Bucky's new skills and abilities in action. Especially considering he's been doing all this training at the moment. You can see the benefits and how it is changing him physically but you've just never seen him put it to use. It's not that he hides them, you're sure he'd use them if he had to but it's just that around the house you generally don't need to run fast or lift heavy things or fight bad guys. Lately especially you've been particularly curious to see what he can do.

Well, today you get the chance to see, just not in the training centre like you wanted it to be.


You wake up fairly early feeling a strange butterfly-like sensation in your tummy. You gasp and place a hand over your small bump, the baby kicked. It hasn't done that yet.

Just as you turn over to Bucky all excited to show him you see that he's still asleep and don't want to wake him since it's his day off. He's really tired and probably needs it, especially considering he didn't sleep the whole way through last night.

You remember how much he loved to feel Luke kick, he didn't get to experience that with Isla so you're sure he'll love it with this one. You've still got a whole five and a half months to go so you get up to make yourself a cup of tea, figuring that there will be plenty more chances for Bucky to feel it and leave him to sleep.

Gradually throughout the morning Luke gets himself up and you get Isla up soon after. You go check on Bucky when it's starting to get late but find that he's still out to it, the covers drawn up to his nose. You have never seen something so adorable and you leave him to it.

Eventually it starts getting rather late and you actually start to get worried. He never sleeps this long, maybe he's sick? Can he even get sick? However, finally he emerges from the room wearing just his boxers, looking still half asleep and stretching, letting out a big groan.

"Oh good you're still breathing," you joke.

"Mm, what time is it?" He mumbles as he rubs his eyes.

"10am," you state.

"Oh crap," he says shocked as he shuffles over to you. "Sorry about that."

"No it's okay, you deserve it." You smile as you get up to meet him halfway. "I was awake early anyway. The baby was kicking."

"Aw really? I missed it? You should've woken me," he exclaims disappointedly. "It was the first time."

"You needed your sleep, and besides, they only did it once anyway, which was what woke me up so you probably wouldn't have got to feel it anyway," you explain.

"Okay," he pouts as he encircles you with his arms. "Good morning doll." He grins down at you, pecking your lips.

"Morning." You sigh, running a hand through his clean, silky hair.

"Daddy!" The kids squeal as they come running out and jump on him when they here that he's up.

"Ah! Good morning!" He cheers as he squats down and embraces them. "So, what do we want to do today?"

"Oh are we doing something?" you ask surprised.

"If you want to." He shrugs.

"Yes!" The kids screech and then a huge mixture of suggestions start getting thrown around the place.

"Can we go to the park?" Isla asks eagerly.

"Can we go bowling?" Luke suggests keenly.

"No I want to go swimming!" Isla exclaims.

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