Told You So

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Bucky's POV:

It came out of nowhere. Unexpected and frightening. One minute I was on my feet running, the next I felt an icy cold pain swarm in my abdomen. Before I knew it I had fallen to my knees, collapsing backwards.

As I lay in the mud my hand went to where the strange feeling was, and when I lifted it again it was dripping in a brilliant red liquid. That's when I realised, it was blood that was pooling on my stomach.

My vision started to blur and I'm sure I could hear muffled shouting somewhere nearby. But I couldn't move. And that's when suddenly everything turned black.


"No dad please! I don't want to do this!" I beg with my father.

"Why not son?" He asks gruffly with his hands firmly on my shoulders.

"Because it's not for me! You may have wanted to be a soldier but that doesn't mean that I do." I insist.

"Then what do you want my boy?" He huffs.

"I want to be a builder, a labourer. Build houses, help people that need them, develop the streets of Brooklyn." I exclaim.

"That's ridiculous James. You no builders aren't doing very well around here at the moment." He scolds.

"But dad-" I beg.

"No son. You are joining the army and going to fight the war. That is final." He snaps sternly.


A strong sterile smell invades my nostrils and my eyelids flutter open to what I instantly recognise to be the hospital tent of the camp. Instantly the memory of why I'm here floods back.

I grunt as I try to prop myself up to see the damage.

"Sergeant Barnes!" A nurse who I didn't realise was beside me gasps. "Be careful you've been shot sir."

"Yeah I figured." I wince as I lay back down after realising it hurts too much to sit up.

"It appears that someone didn't know how to use their rifle properly and you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time unfortunately." She says sympathetically.

Pre War Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now