Give Me A Try

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You squeal and jump around in a circle excitedly when all the pins tumble over.

"Wooh!" You laugh as you run back over to your friends who are showering you with giggles and congratulations.

"Damn it now your winning (Y/N)!" One of them jokes.

"What can I say?" You smirk and flick your hair, turning your head slightly with the movement.

It's just enough for you to see out of the corner of your eye a group of boys who have hired a lane a few sections over.

Acting like you haven't seen them you turn back to your friends.

"Well come on! Who's turn is it next?" You exclaim.

As they begin to fuss over the next girl to go you can't help but look back over at the guys, one of them is extremely cute. You see him standing towards the back of his group, leaning casually against the bar. Ankles crossed, elbow propped up on the bench, cigarette hanging out of his mouth and brown leather jacket shrugged over his shoulders without his arms in the sleeves.

Okay so he is good looking. Extremely hot. His brown hair is slicked back into soft, styled curls and you can see the blue of his eyes from all the way over here. The way his plump lips encircle the cigarette makes you feel something deep inside of you and the peppering of stubble on his cheeks is definitely a nice touch. The light of the bar shadows his jawline and cheekbones highlighting precisely just how defined they actually are. You have to take a second look just to check that he is real.

"(Y/N)?" One of your friends asks unsurely.

Suddenly she is in front of your face snapping her fingers.

"Come on (Y/N/N) it's your turn." She says when you finally avert your gaze.

"What? Oh right." You mumble, blushing a faint pink under your pale foundation realising you had been staring.

"You can stop day dreaming about that guy." She mumbles as she follows you over to the balls. "That's Bucky Barnes. He goes through girls as if we are going out of fashion. Ain't got no chance with him sorry honey. And I doubt he'd be interested in what your looking for anyway."

"Oh." You say not really paying attention to what she is saying.

You simply pick up your ball and take another shot.

Suddenly a loud noise interrupts you.

"Yeew!" Someone cries you look over to see the same guy as before, this Bucky Barnes, spinning on his heel with his fist in the air, grinning triumphantly at his friends.

He got a strike.

He has ditched the jacket and now has the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up to his elbows and its hem tucked into his slacks.

"Barnes' back!" One of his mates hoots.

"Oh my god again!" You are interrupted by one of your friends exclaiming.

You look to see all of your pins knocked over once again.

You gasp and laugh in disbelief before turning your attention back to Bucky. He must've taken notice from the commotion on your side of the room too because he looks at you, raising his eyebrows and nodding approvingly at the fact that you just got a strike.

You smirk sheepishly at him before turning your attention back to the girls.

As the games go on you and Bucky catch yourselves staring at each other more and more. To the point where it actually becomes a bit of a joke and you both start laughing when you make eye contact.

Eventually, like what so often happens in situations like this, once their game is finished the boys come running over to you guys, leaping into the booth and teasing and flirting with you guys desperately.

But Bucky acts differently to the rest of them. Instead of getting all hypo he simply saunters over to you, thumbs hooked in his braces and cigarette hanging limply between his teeth.

And you like it.

"Hey there dollface." He purrs as he slides into the booth beside you and slings an arm around your shoulder.

You gasp and tense up a little. To be honest you don't normally do this kind of stuff. But tonight you want to be a little crazy.

"Hey." You say back, eyeing him up and down with a smirk.

"I was watching back there and it looks like your pretty skilled with that bowling ball." He says in a deep, cool tone.

"Didn't seem so shabby yourself." You shrug and lean into his side a little bit.

He chuckles under his breath and takes a drag of his cigarette, blowing the smoke off to the side.

"Whaddaya say we treat you ladies to a round a drinks?" One of the boys says in an annoying voice.

"Sounds good to me." One of your friends giggles and twirls her hair, batting her eyelashes dreamily.

God, some people make you feel sick the way they are so obvious.

Two drinks deep and after another combined game of bowling and things are heating up between the group. A few of your friends are making out with some of the guys in the corner.

But the whole time you and Bucky just find yourselves coming back to each other and sitting together in the booth.

Just as you are taking a drag of Bucky's cigarette that he's holding for you you hear a squeal from behind you.

"Ah! No stop it!" One of your friends screams playfully and giggles.

You whip around to see one of Bucky's mates lifting up her skirt. Although she's laughing you can tell she doesn't wanna go there.

"Why don't we head back to my place aye babe?" He murmurs.

"Hey!" Bucky suddenly shouts as if speaking your thoughts. "Come on man have a little respect."

"Woah." You say approvingly as he turns back to you. "That didn't sound like something you'd say after some of the things I've heard about you."

You see his face drop and he looks a little sad.

"Look, I know there's been some stuff said about me. But I'm not like that. I'm not that bad." He sighs.

"Why should I believe you?" You smirk playfully.

"Because I've seen you at school before and I really like you. Why don't you just give me a chance?" He says hopefully.

Your face breaks into a smile at these words. Bucky Barnes, the Bucky Barnes, noticed you. How could you say no to that?

"Okay." You sigh. "Show me what you've got."

Pre War Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now