Nothing Lasts Forever

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Warning: Harsh language

You remember when you first met Bucky. It was four years ago in your last year of college. He was your first love and you thought that he would be your only love.

In your mind you were sure that you two were going to be together forever. It was perfect, a fairytale book kind of love. He was your prince charming and he treated you like his princess.

But you were young and naive and inexperienced back then. Because nothing lasts forever. Especially not the good things.


You storm into Steve and Bucky's shared apartment, tears streaming down your face and sobs escaping your lips.

You don't want to believe it was true, you never thought he would do that to you after all the years you've been together. But the facts all seem to be there and his history before you backs it up. Jessica was so sure and insistent too, with all of her friends there backing her up.

You want to forgive him and just move on, maybe then he wouldn't do it again. But you're a strong girl and you don't give second chances that aren't deserved.

"(Y/N)!" Bucky exclaims as you slam open the door from where he sits on the couch. "Doll? Hey! What's wrong?" He asks concerned as he stands up and rushes over to you.

"Don't touch me." You snarl and shove him away from you as he tries to hug you.

"(Y/N) what the hell?" He frowns confused at you.

"Don't play dumb James." You say in a snarky tone.

"Play dumb about what?" He asks.

"Are the rumours true? About you and Jessica?" You ask as bravely as possible.

"What? What rumours are you talking about?" He asks incredulous.

"Oh I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about." You scoff and fold your arms.

"Hey could you please just calm down? No. I don't know what your talking about?" He says in disbelief. "So could you please spell it out for me?"

"Don't tell me to calm down you fucking asshole!" You cry and shove him again causing him to stumble backwards, your frustration rising to boiling point.

"Woah! Hey! Can you please just tell me what's going on?" He shouts angrily as he regains his balance.

"I know you've been cheating on me with Jessica. She's one of the girls you used to fool around with before we were together but now you've been fucking her behind my back!" You practically scream.

"What?" He gasps completely shocked. "Where did you hear that?"

"From the bitches mouth herself and all her friends!" You yell.

"Oh and just like that your going to believe them?" Bucky asks hurt.

"Why shouldn't I Bucky? All the facts add up. The late nights out? I know now that you weren't really at work. I can't believe you've gone back to how you were! You promised me you were past that phase." You say in disgust.

"And I can't believe you would believe a word that comes from that girls mouth! You know what she's like! She's always been a lying, manipulative bitch!" He shouts.

"Why shouldn't I? Everyone knows that you used to screw a different girl every day of the week! So why should I believe that you've changed now?" You cry.

"Because your different from all those other girls! You know that I've changed! You've been with me for the past four years! You should know that I'm not like that anymore." He says with pain in his eyes.

"You're still doing it. You're lying to my face right now." You laugh sarcastically.  "I thought you loved me."

"I can't believe you would ever think that I would do that to you (Y/N). I do love you." He says coldly.

"Oh bullshit." You spit. "You probably never stopped doing it."

"Can you hear what you're saying?" He asks as his eyes well up. "If you really knew me and loved me like I love you, you would know that those rumours aren't true."

You just look at him with hatred and shake your head. The fact that he is denying it, not even allowing you the truth hurts the most.

"I think you need to go (Y/N). That's it. We're done." He huffs sadly and sits back down where he was before, staring blankly at the wall.

"Fuck you, you fucking piece of shit." You mumble as you back up and walk outside, bursting into tears again.

How could he do this to you?

Inside, Bucky breaks down crying with his head in his hands.

Bucky's POV:

I don't know how long I stay like that. Crying into my hands. Just completely confused and shocked. What even happened? It was over all too quickly.

"Hey Buck!" Steve sighs as he opens the door.

I look up at him, probably with a pathetic look on my face, but I don't care. Not with the way I'm feeling right now. Not with this knot in my stomach that makes it hard to breath, or speak, or think.

"Oh shit pal, what's wrong?" He asks concerned as he rushes over to sit beside me and put his arms around my shoulders.

"I made a mistake." I whimper and draw in a sharp, shaky breath.

"What did you do? I'm sure it's not that bad." He drawls rolls his eyes.

"I, I-I b-broke up w-with (Y/N)." I stutter, hardly able to believe the words coming from my mouth.

I thought we were going to be together forever.

"Oh." Steve says shocked. "Okay so maybe it is that bad. Why did you do that Buck?"

"She thought I was cheating on her with Jessica. You know, the girl from college?" I cry. "And I don't know, she just got really angry without letting me explain and I got really hurt that she didn't believe me and I just broke up with her without thinking."

Steve looks at me in disbelief.

"Look, I know I messed up." I sob.

"So did you sleep with Jessica?" Steve asks unsurely.

"No! Of course not! I love (Y/N)! I would never do that to her." I exclaim.

"Well then, I don't see how you did anything wrong." Steve shrugs. "If (Y/N) can't have trust in you over something so petty as that after four whole years, then I hate to say it but, is she really the right one?"

"Yes, I love her." I whimper not wanting to believe he's right.

"I know but you know what they say. If you love something, set it free. And if it comes back to you then it's meant to be. She might realise her mistake over time. But I don't really think you made one as big as her. Everything happens for a reason. It's probably for the best." Steve sighs sadly. "And besides, does anything really last forever?"

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