Rekindling A Romance (Part 4)

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You can't help but smile so much that it hurts your cheeks as you stare at - more like admire - yourself in the full length mirror in yours and Bucky's bedroom. You feel absolutely beautiful for the first time in a long time. You're wearing the dress Bucky bought you that you swear looks even more amazing than you first thought and you've taken your time with styling your hair and doing your makeup to perfection.

Before he left for work Bucky said that he wants you to be ready when he gets home from work to surprise him with how gorgeous you look and then he will quickly get ready before you head to the restaurant.

As if on cue you hear a soft knock on your door.

"Hey doll I'm home, are you ready?" Bucky's familiar voice asks softly.

For once you actually feel excited to see him.

"Yeah I'll show you now," you reply, your heart swelling.

Slowly you open the door to reveal a grimy, sweaty Bucky. He smiles at you and opens his arms in greeting before his arms suddenly slowly dropping to his sides as does his jaw to the floor.

"Babe." He breathes and shakes his head in awe. "Y-you look absolutely stunning."

You can't help but look down and blush, swaying your hips a little making the skirt of your dress swish.

"Thanks Buck." You mumble modestly as you beam up at him and walk in to give him a hug.

You rest your head against his chest while he rests his chin atop yours and snakes his hands around your lower back.

"Your welcome darling," he whispers.

You look up at him, both of you smile before he leans in and pecks you on the lips.

"Now, I'm going to get ready and we can go." He murmurs as he gently places a hand on your waist before kissing your cheek once more and brushing past you.


Bucky looks so smart and handsome of course, with his hair slicked and styled into a curl, his crisp white shirt with the rolled up sleeves tucked into his brown slacks and his braces. You can see all the women around you guys practically drooling at the mouth over him but he doesn't even bat an eyelash their way.

The dinner goes great. Not only is the food great but you guys haven't talked that much nor that freely in so long. Afterwards, to your surprise he takes you to an ice cream ice cream parlour and buys you each a double scoop ice cream.

As you sit in your booth and eat them you can't help but notice the way that his mood has changed. No longer is he chatty, smiley and joking around. It's almost as if he seems nervous now, distracted even. He keep ringing his hands together and then hiding them under the table and looking out the window as if trying to come up with what to say. Sometimes he even zones out and you have to snap your fingers in his face to get him to pay attention and then just laughs nervously.

"Bucky," you say seriously and clap in front of his face yet again.

"Huh? What?" He shakes his head to refocus.

"Are you okay? You seem lost?" You chuckle.

"Yeah sorry, I'm just thinking." He mumbles and smiles sheepishly.

"About what?" You frown and cock your head to the side.

You watch confused as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before shuffling out of his seat across from you and dropping down on one knee. He doesn't even fumble before he pulls a small, velvet red box out of his pocket and opens it to reveal a simple yet beautiful silver diamond ring.

You automatically gasp and your hands fly to your mouth. Already the few people left in the ice cream bar at this late hour has noticed and the whole place is silent as they watch gob smacked. Tears start to blur your eyes but you can still see Bucky's, nervous but smiling face and bright, hopeful eyes as he looks up at you.

"(Y/N), I know this might seem a bit forward after all we've just been through lately, but doll, the truth is I really do love you and I don't want to loose you. Spending more time with you over the last few days has been so good and it's reminded me how much I treasure you. Which is why I want to know if you would do the absolute honor of marrying me and giving me the privilege of having you as my wife?" he asks, his tone surer than you've ever heard coming from him and that's saying something.

You don't answer straight away. You have to think. If you're being honest with yourself he's treated you like garbage lately and made you absolutely miserable. You don't want to live with someone like that. But then again there's the old Bucky, the man you fell in love with and do want to spend the rest of your life with who you've seen more of again the past two days.

You want to say yes but there's things holding you back too. How do you know he's really changed? What if he goes back to the way he's been lately?

What are you going to say?

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