11. A new vampire in town?

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Logan's P.O.V.

It's the night and I'm standing outside, on the Gilbert's porch before Jenna while she is talking to me from inside her home. She's still as beautiful as the day we met. I love her so much...

- Why are you here, Logan? she asks, annoyed to see me.

- I missed you. I was out of town. I...

- Yeah, I got that email.

- You got an email? I ask her, shocked, surprised and confused. I don't understand, who could have send her an email to Jenna? Why doing this?

- You didn't send an email? she questions back, frowning madly.

- I can explain. Just invite me in and I'll tell you everything, I tell her, using my flirty voice while smiling.

- I'm not gonna invite you in. Forget it, she replies, shaking her head and talking with even more annoyment.

- Come on, Jenna. It's me.

- The answer's no, she insists, sternly.

- I know you. You're always one step from a "maybe", a tiny nudge to "yes", I reply, smirking as I continue flirting with her.

- You just pointed out that I have no self-control. Clever strategy! she responds madly, scoffing, before slamming the door at my face.

I stay few seconds in front of the Gilbert's door, processing what just happened. She said "no" to me! She never said "no" before... I'm so frustrated with the way our conversation went. It shouldn't have went like that. She should have invited me and I would have... I feel like I need to be with her. I want to kiss her, hug her, smell her neck,... bite her. I could hear her heart pomping blood when we were talking. Her heart race accelerated slowly when I pissed her off. But she smelled so good and it was like each of her heartbeating was getting louder, almost like it was calling for me to come drink that warm red liquid of hers...

I sigh and turn around to walk off the Gilbert's front porch. I'm hungry... And I can't walk during the day! Which is annoying and upsetting. I walk down the steps of the porch when I hear empty bottle clinking together and the sound of garbage bags. I look up, a bit further in the street when I remark an old man, walking out to put his trash away. 

- Evening, I say politely as I walk up in the streets, acting like nothing is happening. The old man waves me a polite wave and walks back inside his house, looking a bit nervous.

I stare eagerly at him while walking slowly down onto the sidewalk. I can smell him despite the distance... It's so quiet at this time of the night. I let a heavy breath escape my mouth smiling when a woman comes jogging around the corner. I turn around to look at her and smile. She stares at me as she jogs passed me, but stops abruptly. I turn to face her again.

- Hey, you're that guy from the news, Logan Fell. I watch you every night. Well, I used to, I mean, you've been missing from my TV, she tells me, chuckling and smiling.

- I took some time off, I answer her, smiling back. Flirt mode is on again...

- I noticed. I'm Daphne, She puts her hand out and I shake it.

- Hey you know something, Daphne? I question her, still flirting.

- No, what? she asks, falling into it while we keep shaking hands. Suddenly, I feel veins popping under my eyes and my fangs going out. Daphne screams scared as I go in to bite down her neck, feeding myself and draining her out of her blood.

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