65. The 20's is the worst decade for vampires

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Klaus's P.O.V.

It's daytime and I am in the living room, being creative and working on an abstract painting on a canvas. It's relaxing. I need to relax with everything that is going on. I run the paintbrush on the canvas when I hear someone entering the living-room.

- What took you so long? I ask gently and annoyed at the same time to my sister as I know it can only be her entering the room.

- Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake, she answers while still approaching me. I turn around smirking as I see her holding up the white oak stake. Luckily I'm quite the charmer.

- That's it? I ask, feeling like it has been too easy.

- The last of the white oak stakes that can kill us. Do you want to do the honors or shall I? questions, my little sister as she is still holding up the stake. I put the paintbrush down, smiling before taking the stake and throwing it into the flames in the fireplace. The flames immediately flare up around the stake, burning it down. Well that's that then, tells, me Rebekah before turning around and beginning to walk out of the room.

- Pack your bags, we're leaving, I inform and order her as I take the brush again and continue to paint.

- Today? she asks with surprise in her voice.

- Why not? There's nothing keeping us here. We'll grab the doppelgänger and be off by sunset, I answer her, not looking at my sister as I stay concentrate on my painting.

- But tonight is the decade dance. And you have that Salvatore girl here, replies, Rebekah, still sounding surprise but also like she wants any argument to work to change my mind.

- So? I ask her without interest. The Salvatore girl isn't the one who's going to cause us any harm. I already hurt her too much, I don't want to hurt her anymore. By the way, I turn around and look at my sister with a mad frown, do not ever do what you did to Gillian ever again. It's your last warning Rebekah, I'm not kidding. I'll find you and stake you before puting you back in that coffin. Am I clear, sister? I tell her with a dark and mad tone. My sister rolls her eyes before sighing annoyed and upset.

- Anyway... she replies while scoffing. Nik, I'm head of the committee, we have to go.

- I'm not going to any dance, I argue with her, looking at her annoyed.

- Caroline will be there, responds, Rebekah, half smirking. I stare at her for a moment before sighing.

- That means nothing to me, I reply, lying to her.

- Please, I have big plans for tonight. Just go for me, demands me, Rebekah, faintly pouting as well. I frown confused before approaching her. Plans? What is my little sister playing at again?

- Okay, fine. One last hoorah, I tell her while smiling.

- One last hoorah, Nik, repeats, Rebekah, looking happy. My sister turns around, leaving the living-room to go do her stuff as I go back to my painting.

Alaric's P.O.V.

- Where've you been? I've been calling you all day, I hear the vampire with raven hair telling me with a confused tone through the phone call. I am in the Mikaelson's mansion, in a room full with their coffins to be discrete. The Original Hybrid can't know I am here and he can't know about Rebekah... or that Esther woman.

- Yeah, sorry about that. I just needed to get my head together, I respond not too loudly, lying to Damon, while hoping nobody will hear me. Normally...

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