97. Trapped in reality...

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Kol's P.O.V.

A week... It has been a week since my Love died... I don't know how I keep going. I don't know if it's for Meryll because she needs someone, if it's because I have hope that she will come back soon or if it's because Gillian "asked" me indirectly to stay strong while she's gone... I don't know. I'm lost. And being lost with a kid isn't the easiest thing to do. Meryll constantly asks for her mom... She wants to see her, be with her... What should have I said? I couldn't lie to her... I can't even lie to myself about this. Each morning, each lunch and dinner, each afternoon and each moment before bed, Meryll's tears stream down her soft cheeks. It breaks me even more. We were so happy all three together. Gillian and I were slowly seeing our dream life becoming true, and then...? Poof...! She's gone because of the man I feared for centuries even though he didn't exist yet at that time. I'm so lonely... Things haven't been the same at the Boarding House since that sad event. Damon and Stefan barely talked with each other. Katherine is... Well, she's... Somewhere. Caroline is back at Whitmore college with Bonnie and Gilbert Skunk. And Jeremy... He does his life in high school and meets the Bennett witch time to time. Like I said, lonely... Liz comes see us at least once in a day to help me. I guess her and Meryll have built a strong bond now. Though, the Sheriff seems as sad as everyone when she comes here. I don't really know how Caroline's mother is considering Gillian, but it's a deep feeling. She loved my fiancée probably as much as Caroline. She was her daughter's best friend after all... I haven't heard of Artemis since the night she watched her parents dying. It's like she vanished from town. I guess it's a good thing... I just hope she won't come back to destroy whatever we have left here... I mean, it's because of us that her parents are dead after all...

I am sitting on a chair in a room in the Salvatore Boarding House, the light of the sun is coming inside, lightening her grayish body. This sight is so painful... Candles are burning to bring a straw of warmth, but... It's useless. The sadness makes the atmosphere so cold... Meryll is sitting on my knees, her back against my torso. She has her head resting on my shoulder as my head is against hers. My left arm holds her tightly against me as her right hand is playing with my right one. I remarked that it seems to calm her down to play with my hand. It's like she can focus on something else for a moment.

- Why mom isn't waking up? She asks me with a weak and sad voice as she stares at her mother laying on the table before us. She's a kid... We tell her things, but not everything thing...

- She will wake up, Beanie-Bear. You need to believe and trust in mom for her to come back faster. Just like I do, I tell her softly, lightly rocking us left to right. Her little fingers are still playing with my hand to find comfort.

- I believe and trust in mom. But I miss her. I miss her hugs and her kisses at night to go to bed. I miss her voice. I miss being with her, she tells me sadly when I hear her voice cracking. I look at the kid's face and see her grimacing sadly as tears are pouring down her face. I wipe the tears away and kiss her cheek. I can feel her breathing shakily as she tries to silent her sobs. I gently shush her, rocking her to sooth her. It's good for her to cry when she needs it. She needs to evacuate the sadness. That's what Gillian would say... Right?

- It's okay, Beanie-Bear. We'll be all together again, I whisper in her ear as I look up. I don't know if my Love can see me, I don't even know what she is doing, but I'm sure she is fighting and doing everything she can to come back to us. I believe she is...

- Knock, knock, I hear from the entrance of the room. I turn my head, just like Meryll, who heard the woman as well. Liz... She came with flowers again. The Sheriff has brought flowers for Gillian ever since she heard her death. That's very thoughtful of her and I'm sure Gillian appreciates it from where she is. Hey guys, how are we doing today? Softly asks us, the Sheriff, slowly coming inside the room. I see her glancing sadly at Gillian's body on the table.

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