18. Their revenge messed up everyone

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Frederick's P.O.V.

I enter the living room and walk to the fireplace with a thick stick in my hand and a sharpe knife in the other one. I am carving the wooden stick with the knife that I took from one of the kitchen cabinet. I kneel in front of the fire, thinking of my dead girlfriend. Bethanne will be revenged. I'll make this bastard suffered. The tomb, Bethanne's death... The Salvatore brothers caused enough pain since 1864. It has to change now. I groan of anger while still carving the stick when I feel a presence behind me and staring at me.

- We're running low on blood. You might wanna send Anna to the hospital for some more, I suggest to Pearl, knowing it's her standing at the door frame.

- I'll send her out for some tomorrow, she responds calmly to me, not moving from where she is standing.

- Maybe I could go with her. If the storm keeps it dark enough, I might be able to go out during the day, no sun and all, I propose her while standing up before walking to the nearest armchair and sitting on it.

- I'm afraid not. Not after your stunt at the Salvatore house tonight, says Pearl with her arms crossed over her chest. Her voice is full of disappointment.

- He and his brother deserved it. Even this Gillian girl.

- And where did that get you? Your girlfriend Bethanne is dead. And you have no one to blame but yourself, Pearl moves to stand on my right side, the lamp and the other armchair separating us. We cannot live our lives about revenge. We have to have better control of our emotions.

- I understand, Miss Pearl. I just wish I knew what you were up to, she sits in the armchair while I continue carving the stick.

- I'm going to make an exploratory visit into town tomorrow to assess who's under the influence of vervain and who isn't. Anna tells me that the players haven't changed much. It's still the Lockwoods, the Forbes, the Fells...

- We should kill every last one of them, I tell her with hatred while looking at the sharpe wooden stake I just made.

- We are smarter than that, Frederick. These people are not our enemies. We don't hold grudges and resentments. We'll get our town back. We just have to have patience, explains the woman. I don't respond nor show any emotions and carve again. Pearl stands up and leaves the room letting me alone but not for long. Three of my friends enter the room.

- You heard her. No revenge. Patience. Self-control, I say and scoff before getting up and turning around to face them. I hold up the stake in my hand. She seems to have it all figured out, doesn't she? I state annoyed and aggrevated of her rules.

Gillian's P.O.V.

After Damon burned the woman's body, dad called Elena and I picked up the broken frame. I still wonder what relation they had with my mother? I throw the broken frame away and dad tells me to go to sleep. Let's not be surprise if I tell you that I didn't sleep again. I couldn't. I keep remembering my father on the floor with the piece of glass in his chest. It could have been a wooden stake and right in his heart. I turn and turn around in my bed, thinking. I lay on my back and sigh before standing up and walking back downstairs. I haven't remark but I actually thought for three whole hours. I enter the living-room where my uncle and my father are. They are talking with each other... I mean, they were. I enter the room and go sit on the floor, behind the living-room table and before the fire.

- Can't sleep? questions my uncle which I shook my head to answer him. Want some? he suggest as he hands me a glass of Bourbon.

- Damon! says my dad frowning and pushing away the glass from me.

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