45. The vial of life

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Gillian's P.O.V.

I spend the whole night talking with dad about what Klaus did to me, about Katherine, about the ritual and the fact that I almost died, about what I missed while I was kidnapped,... We had a good talk, even if sometimes I could tell that he was keeping his tears for himself. He was trying to stay strong in front of me and I can tell it is still hard for him. Since he learned about the bite, he hasn't left my side much. I can't blame him. I was gone for quiet some time and I come back on the verge of dying. We even looked at pictures of us, me being at my baby age mostly but also during our whole life. After this little memory moment, we layed down on my bed and dad started to draw shapes on my back, like he used to do when I was a kid. Since we came back to Mystic Falls, I rarely felt this close with my dad. I really missed those bounding moment, but I guess it might be one of the last that will we spend together.

- Baby girl? calls me, my dad as he keeps drawing shapes on my back. I humm to respond positively. I know it isn't the right day but we are almost tomorrow and it's a special day for you... he rolls me gently to the side and gets up from my bed. He kneels down and grabs something under my mattress. A box. I frown confused. I'm scared that I won't be able to give it to you before... he looks down at the box as he sits next to me. I sit down as well and maintain myself up with the board of the bed behind me.

- Dad, you don't have to. You can give it to me tomorrow morning, I said as I put my hand on his forearm. I know it is for my birthday. That special day that should make me feel amazing and special for H24. Well, this year will be a bit more, eventful and less magical. But it can wait. We still have some time, dad, don't worry about it, I say trying to smile to convince him.

- Sweety, you're my little girl. You're the best, the purest and the proudest thing I've done in my life. I love you so much and, I know you already know that but, I'm ready to give my life to save you. I made a promise the day you were born that I'll forever keep you safe and I fail, another time again. But I'll find a way to save you from this hell, he tells me as he points at the bite on my arm which is covered by my sleeve. I nod as I take a long and deep breath in. You will live, baby, I'll make sure of it, I frown sadly but don't reply anything as I know it is useless. Open it, tells me dad while handing me the box. I look at it and then my father before cracking a smile. I take the box and rip the gift wrap off. A small velvet black box is revealed. I open it and discover a magnificent necklace.

 I open it and discover a magnificent necklace

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- Waouh, dad it's... so beautiful and perfect, thank you! I say as I take it off the box, my eyes wide as they sparkle with stars. Looks like a symbolical necklace to me, I say smirking a bit and arcing one of my brows. Dad chuckles.

- What does it symbolize to you? asks dad as he stares at me with a smile plastered on his face.

- Well, it looks like a red rain drop to me. The color red is usually for love. So it can be the father love you give me every days and nights since I came to this world, I say smiling brightly. He nods. And the rain drop could be... I look down for a moment, thinking. It could be for the day I was born. I remember you telling me that it was raining when my mother gave birth to me. So it could be that?

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