Part 24

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It's been a while and he hasn't yet stopped crying. My heart hurt so bad seeing him in pain. I then push away grabbing his face " Baby what's wrong cmon you can't just expect me not want to know" I say delicately not wanting to say anything wrong.

"It's just been a lot of shit to be honest but what hurt the most out of everything was leaving you while you were mad at me" he sighs trying to wipe more tears off.

"My bad I probably look like a pussy swear I'm not usually like this though" he sighs but tears still begin to fall.

"Your not a pussy now cmon I have the greatest cure for this just take us to my house" I then stop talking realizing the reservations he did.

"Wait but the" He then cuts me off shaking his head no and turns the car toward my house.

I then get off him and continue to grab his hand and and rub his head and play with his curls. It was weird because he still looked tough and like he was fine but he had tears streaming non stop.

"Handro cmon tell me what's wrong it's hurting me seeing you like this" I croak feeling my eyes water. I felt so overwhelmed because I didn't know what was wrong nor could I stop the tears.

He then stop the car again and sighs shakily.

"Don't say nuthin til I'm done Ight" he shakily says and I nod grabbing his hands while I rub them first before he can rub mine.

"So while breaking well trying to break up with you and when you hung up there was a couple strippers there and my mom heard our conversation and thought I broke up with you so I can be with those girls" he sighs and I rub his hand again encouraging him to continue.

"So she yelled at me saying I was fucked up and a disgrace for just cheating already which I WASnT. Then she left after slapping me. It was worse knowing both my Queens were mad at me when I was just trying to make everything right yknow" he says looking up at me while I nod smiling.

"So hating I had to leave already I asked to stay behind one day. The guys didn't want to perform without me but saw how I was hella gloomy and let me. So when I got out the studio getting ready to see my baby" he then squeezes my hand while my heart melts.

"Well before I could this girl came out of no where and kissed me and I hated that someone could've taken a picture and you would believe your statement true that I'm fucking around" he sighs while I get closer laying on his chest looking up at him.

"So then riding toward your house I saw you with a nigga and it torn me that it had to be that Rico dude but I was fine with you looking happy yknow" he says looking at me.

"No no I just bumped into him on one of my jogs plus it's not like that I was actually ranting about you" he then smiles but sighs again.

"So then it hurt more knowing I have to leave tomorrow while you still hella mad yknow but worse part is I've been trying to stop lean and ugh I'm having the worst withdrawals. Not only that but apart of that I'm hella sick but I'm trying to act like I'm okay... I think it's good to show my boys to stay tough even when you not" he ends with.

"That's the dumbest thing to do but I actually think I'm weak when I show how I actually feel and cry. but I've learned that it takes someone tough to let it all out and not care who's watching" I say grabbing his face letting him look up at me.

"I'm glad you told me all this you just seem stressed it's fine babe you gotta let it out we all have meltdowns" I reassure.

"Your lips do they hurt too" I say touching them softly.

"Not a lot they gotten better with your touch" he winks and I snort.

"You sure you feel okay enough to go on tour so early" I question worried for his health.

"I can handle" he assures me.

"Well I'm going to baby you all night so get prepared let's go" I say sitting in my seat officially. I then begin grabbing on his thigh while he rode us back to my house officially.

I then look over at Handro, happy I can be with someone like him. I was glad he opened up to me so easily. He was to adorable. I think the worst part I heard of his entire speech was that he thinks he should act like everything is fine.

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