Part 64

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It was now about 5pm and turns out unlike usual tomorrow they were gonna perform so we didn't have to do anything today. The only thing I didn't like tomorrow was going to be rushed. They were doing a show early as fuck andddddd right after the show we have to leave quick to board the plane.

We were now in the room just me and Handro laying down watching Wild'in Out.


"Hmm" he hums watching the show with a smile.

"We needa talk like for real for real" I say pausing the show.

"What's wrong" he frowns.

"I um" I then look up at him and I have all his attention and I smile inside. I then stay quiet trying to add more affect. I then think of the saddest shit and my eyes get watery and when I look up again he sees my face and looks worried.

"Mamas what wrong" He ask massaging my thigh bringing me close.

"I hold up" I say getting out his embrace and stand up trying to act like I'm nervous. He now looks very confused and worried and I then decide to strike him with it.

"I please stay calm okay" I ask and he sits up nodding a bit.

"Um I cheated" I say looking at him with my eyes getting watery again to add more affect.

"Wait what the fuck your kidding right" he ask getting up a bit more and giving me this look I haven't yet seen before.

"So the guy Matt well the only reason he gave me that look was because the night of the party we fucked" I reply and he looks wayyyyy mad.

"So that's why I knew his name and he looked at me like that but I just love you and that was a mistake I promise" I say giving him a pleading look.

"Nah Nah fuck outta here why didn't you tell me.... weren't you the one saying we should communicate more" he says getting up.

"Well I am communicating just now" I respond and he stands up and his face is face to face to mine.

"Fuck youuuuu" he exaggerates the y part and pushes me with his index finger.

"But I was drunk" I plead.

"And I made it clear your just mine and I'm just yours so why couldn't you remember that while being drunk" he says with watery eyes and he then shoves me out the way and I automatically feel bad.


"Shut the fuck up" he shouts throwing stuff across the room looking mad.

I then laugh and his head turns to me so quick I wonder if his neck broke and I laugh more just thinking about that. I was then pushed against the wall and he then croaks "you think it's funny seeing me hurt.. I love you but I will never forget this".

I then pull him in for a kiss and he surprisingly kisses back and he then pulls away with a tear. "Leave..... now" he replies pushing me toward the door.

I then take him in my embrace quickly and whisper to him I'm sorry it was a prank and burst out laughing. He then pushes me away looking mad.

"Nah Nah prove it" he says not yet believing me and I curse myself for not recording it for proof.

"Uh call Matt" I say finally thinking of that.

He then calls him and I sit patiently and after a while he gets out the restroom. I then look up to see him laughing but he looks serious. He then goes between my legs and pushes me back roughly. I was confused now as I saw him hover over me now.

"Don't play with.... me...lik..e that..mmm" he grunts in my neck while sucking on it.

I then go weak and end up finding his lips and finally get what I craved for. In the middle of our kiss I laugh lightly. What a poor boy, he was so scared and mad at the same time.

"Remember you still .... would've been.. mine" he mumbles near my chest cleavage.

I then flip us over laughing and he looks still mad while I smile innocently. I then crawl so I was seated on his hip now.

"Awe poor babyyy" I laugh while sucking on his bottom lip.

"I hate you" he laughs pulling me into him closer so my head was now near his neck while he rubbed my back.

I then pick my head up from his head and he was now grabbing my ass and he then grabs my face so I would face him now.

"Is your mom a baker?" He ask and I stop sucking on his neck and raise my eyebrow confused.

"No whyyy" I ask confused.

"Because you've got some nice bunssss" he says squeezing my ass and I roll my sitting up now.

"Your a dork" I snort and he laughs along with me.


"Hmm" I ask staring right into his eyes.

I usually don't like staring into people eyes, I just hate it. But when I did it with Handro I felt like I couldn't even look away. He looked so hurt not toward me but deep down. I just could tell because staring into my own eyes I can see the same.

It just made me feel goey overall. He literally could tell me everything with a look. The more I stared in his eyes the more I felt like I was being sucked in.

I felt hypnotized.

And it was amazing.

"I love you a lot so if anything like that ever happens don't let me push you away because I've hurt you like that for real before too" he says and I nod as I hug him.

Sorry I didn't right more

My mom took my phone away for fighting my sister but I'll drop these real quick and ughhhh I wish I did more

Hope y'all had a good day!

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