Story Behind Darkness

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Crystal's POV

I know that I am an evil but I wanted my dad to confess his feelings. If he doesn't confess himself now I will make him confess. He is making me confused. Totally confused. But no worries little C is genius like Mamma C. I mean a bit less than her but she is also a genius. So, little C will not let her Mamma C and Dad be away from each other anymore. They got divorced because I was too young to stop them then. But I am not a little girl anymore so I will not let them be away from each other now. It doesn't make any sense to me. I knocked on Mrs. Collins cabin.

" Yes, come in." She said and I went inside. " Crystal!!! What a pleasant surprise!!" She walked towards me and hugged me tightly.

" Mrs. Collins." I said smilingly.

" Come, sit here." She said and pulled me with herself. " How is little C?" She asked me.

" Little C is very upset." I said and sighed.

" What happened to little C?" She asked. " I thought little C can't answer in one sentence as she loves to talk." She said.

" Little C can when she is upset." I said.

" Why is little C upset?" She asked me.

" Little C just has met her dad before coming. And this why her mood is terribly off. Her dad doesn't like her." I said and sighed.

" What little C thinks is not true at all." She  said.

" It's true. But little C also doesn't care about her dad if he doesn't care about her. Little C cares only about her Mamma C. She is missing Mamma C." I said to her. She sighed deeply.

" We all miss her." She said. " But life is cruel. We can't say anything about it." She said and I nodded.

" You know little C went to Mamma C after Christmas. She was there for a week and she enjoyed a lot with her." I said and sighed deeply.

" How is Candice?" She asked me.

" Mom is fine. But you know she keeps missing me. When I was coming back from Naples she was crying, Mrs. Collins. My mom was so sad that made my heart broken. My mom is not happy. She is sad. So so sad and she is in pain." I said gulping down my tears. " I am her only daughter but I can't make my mom happy. I am not a good daughter." I said. She pulled me into a hug.

" You are the best daughter someone can ever ask for." She said and I couldn't hold my tears back." Please, don't cry, sweetheart." She said.

" My mom is not fine there in Naples. She is upset. She is alone there. No one is with her to take care of her, Mrs. Collins. She has BP problems. What if something happens to her at night and there is no one to help her then?" I asked her. She patted my shoulder.

" You should be there with her then. This will help you only." She said.

" Mom doesn't want me to be there. She thinks I should be here with Dad to take care of him." I said and she sighed.

" The reason of her being so stubborn is still unknown." She said.

" It doesn't matter what the past is but the present is more important and of course the future. My mom needs someone to be with her all the time. So, I decided to get her married again. This is how she will have a permanent solution." I said.

" Getting her what?!" She asked me.

" Married. Getting her married." I said.

" But she is already married, Crystal. How can you get married a woman who is already married it's not legal you know?" She said.

" Aren't my parents divorced?" I asked her. She looked at the door then gestured me to stop right there. I nodded. She stood up and locked the door.

" What happened?" I asked her.

" Are you serious about what you said?" She asked me.

" Yeah. I am searching for a groom for my mom. I can't see her upset. It hurts me a lot." I said.

" No kidding, right?" She asked me.

" No, why will I be joking on such a matter?" I asked her. She shook her head.

" Don't do that. If you want to do that then you must get them divorced at first." She said in a very low tone and my eyes open wide.

" What are you saying?!!! They are not divorced?" I asked her. She covered my mouth hurriedly.

" Ssssssshhh!!! Don't say it that loudly." She said. I nodded and she removed her hand from my mouth.

" They are not divorced?" I asked her.

" No, they are not." I said.

" I don't understand then why do they act like they are. And everyone says that they are already divorced." I said to her.

" The case of divorce was filed but this turned too much difficult and complex that the court dismissed the case. So, technically they are not divorced." She said. I was totally shocked. My parents were still married!!!

" Why did the case took that complex turn?" I asked her.

" Neither Benedict nor Candice's family wanted them to get divorced. Besides there were many well-wisher who convinced the court to let them handle this like a family matter. So, the case was dismissed." She said.

" What happened then?" I asked her.

" Crystal, some stories are good to be untold. Please, don't ask me to tell you." She said.

" Then why did you tell me the half of the story?! It will keep bothering me now." I said.

" I just did that so that you should stop try to find out a groom for your mom." She said. I sighed deeply.

" I am not searching for a groom for my mom. I also don't want my parents live away from each other." I said.

" Then why did you say that to me before?" She asked me.

" Because this is a plan to bring my parents closer." I said.

" What?" She asked me.

" I am trying to make my dad jealous. So that he takes a step and claim that mom is his. So, I need a fake groom who can make dad extremely jealous." I said. She looked at me weirdly.

" Seriously?" She asked me.

" 100%. You have any doubt?" I asked her.

" It won't be easy to bring them closer." She said.

" This why I want your help." I said.

" You have me in your team." She said and I smiled widely.

We talked for awhile and she told me to attend the party that Suthertons have thrown on next Monday. So that we can make Dad jealous together as there will be a lot of people whom we can pretend to make Mom's possibly suitable fake groom.

But the true story remain behind darkness again.

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