Land Of Love

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Crystal's POV

" Crystal!!!" Mom said as she hugged me back.

" Mamma C!!!" I said kissing her cheeks.

" My baby girl." Mom said and I chuckled.

" Won't you let me come in?" I asked her. She chuckled.

" Crazy girl. Come in." She said. She pulled me inside and closed the door not before thanking the two guys lead me here.

" You didn't tell me that you are here." I complained.

" I wanted to give you a surprise today. But I heard you went out with your dad so I decided to meet you tomorrow. I wanted to go to your college tomorrow." She said.

" True?" I asked like a stubborn whiny kid.

" Really, little C." She said patting my head. " But how come little C knows that Mamma C is here?" She asked me.

" Little C had a magic wand. I said and she chuckled.

" So she come to know about Mamm C with the help of that?" She asked me.

" Yesh." I said in my babyish voice.

" Your dad said?" She asked me.

" Richie told me in the morning." She said.

" Who is Richie?" She asked.

" She works in our office as the receptionist. She said you are here in Milan. You were there in the office yesterday. That's what she said to me yesterday." I said.

" Yeah, I went to the office." She said.

" Why Mom?" I asked her.

" What do you mean by why?" She asked me.

" I mean why did you go to the office?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes.

" Went to teach your dad a good lesson of his life." She said.

" But why Mom?" I asked her.

" Why?!! What do you mean by why?! How dare he slapped my little C?!" She said cupping my cheeks. " Show me?" She said trying to find out the faded mark on my cheek.

" Nothing happened, Mom. Chill. It wasn't that hard." I said to her.

" It was hard enough to leave marks on your cheek. Torren has told me everything. Don't lie." Mom said.

" Mom, he is a little boy. He keeps talking anything. You shouldn't have trusted his blabbering." I said to her.

" Really?! Thea said the same thing." She said to me.

" Don't worry, she is also a kid. They were angry. This why they said that. Nothing happened to me. I am fit and fine." I said. " Even I went on a day out with Dad today. See he bought me all these things. And didn't say no to me in anything. We literally did everything that I wanted to." I said and Mom narrowed her eyes.

" Don't tell me you had a unlimited ice cream treat. How many did you have? Huh?!" She asked me and I gave her an innocent smile.

" Leave it, Mamma C. Let's go. Let's talk to you. I mished you sho muss." I said last part in a little babyish voice and she sighed as I showed her my puppy eyes.

" Let's go inside." She said.

" I am starving, Mamma C." I said.

" What does little C wants to have?" She asked me.

" Little C can have anything that's made by Mamma C." I said to her.

" Ok, go get freshen up. I will make you something." She said.

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