Not Late

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Crystal's POV

" Are we running away from home, Cap C?" Torren asked me.

" No, we are going to meet Eugene." I said to him.

" Then why are we going like this?" Dany asked me.

" Why aren't we using the front door?" Thea asked me.

" If we use the front door then Mamma C will never ever allow us to leave home. So, we are going to leave from the back door. Safe zone, comrades." I said to them.

" What are you going to do?" Thea asked me.

" I am going to propose him." I said.

" Are you serious?" She asked me.

" Yes, of course." I said to him.

" I don't know if it's right or wrong." Torren said.

" It's right cause it's Cap C's decision. You can't point a finger at her decision." I said to them.

" Alright. But do you have a ring to propose him?" Thea asked me.

" What do you think?" I asked her.

" You got one?" She asked me.

" I got something better than that." I winked at her.

" I can understand about that. You and your ideas." She shook her head. I smiled patting her head. I hugged all of them. They were taken aback but hugged me back.

" What happened, Crissy?" Dany asked me.

" I thought I will never be able to see you all again." I said and sighed.

" Ssssssshhh!!! Don't say that." Torren said. I chuckled.

" No getting upset. You are going to propose him. Smile widely." Thea said and wiped my tears that's when I realized that I was crying.

" I was so worried about you." I said to her.

" Even I thought I was going to die. But I make it out alive." She said. " So don't look back, Crissy. Let's not talk about that. Let's look forward. Life is ready to give you many things. Beautiful things. Step ahead and accept it. Don't think about what happened in the past. If you keep re-reading the last chapter then you can never ever start a new one. Isn't it?" She asked me. I smiled. Little Thea has grown up. I patted her head.

" Let's go. Otherwise we will be caught." Torren said.

" Yeah, let's go." Dany said. We came out of the house from the backdoor.

" You are lucky that this backdoor wasn't sealed." Thea said.

After that incident there were huge changes in securities of Kingsley house. Dad has been so strict about that and only this backdoor was still opened and others were sealed. Dad became so possessive these days. He doesn't want to let us go out of his radar and we all became so tired telling him not to be so overprotective but he doesn't listen to us. We can't help it.

" Where are you going, kids?" I heard my Uncle's voice. I sighed deeply.

" We are going to meet Eugene." Dany said and I face palmed.

" Can't you call him at home? Why do you guys have to go out and meet him?" He asked.

" Because it's important, Dad. You won't understand." Thea said.

" Really, sweetheart?" He asked.

" Yes, Dad it is very important. You can't understand. Because you haven't ever proposed anyone." Torren said and uncle rolled his eyes.

TJL#19# Tale Of A Lonely PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now