The Test

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Crystal's POV

" What is the plan now?" Thea asked me.

" I will tell you. But not now. I don't have time. I have exam sharp at 10." I said taking my stuffs. I ran towards the car. " Pray for me that I can pass today." I threw an air kiss to her and she chuckled then waved at me. I waved back. " To my college, Jonathan." I said to the chauffeur who nodded and started to drive me to my college. I took a quick look on my books the points that I marked to check last night before I go to the exam Hall. I hope I don't forget everything. I won't. I have enough confidence in me this time.

" Ma'am, we have reached." I heard Jonathan and only then I realized that the car has stopped and we have arrived my college. I nodded and got down from the car and fix the scarf I was wearing to hide the mark on my cheek. " Thanks, Jonathan." I said and ran inside my college. I found my friends.

I needed to talk to Sophia about Eugene. But for a weird reason my brain was not letting me do that. It was stopping me from talking to Sophia about Eugene and her relationship. I was wondering why!!!

I decided to keep quite for awhile and write my exam at first. I need to pass by my own. I sat on the exam Hall and I felt my head was blank. I have forgotten everything. I can't remember what I have studied last night. Forget about last night I can't remember what I have studied this morning or awhile back before I entered my exam Hall. I banged my head on the desk for awhile. What's wrong with me!! I kept calm and quiet. I waited for the question paper to arrive me. I was sitting simply closing my eyes.

" Hey, any problem?" I heard my friend Kevin. I opened my eyes to see him. I fix the scarf again. "What's wrong with you? Why are you wearing a scarf today? That too hiding your face?" He asked me. " Are you turning into a terrorist like her?" He pointed the girl name Mariam sitting in the corner. She was a Muslim and this why many of the students keeps bullying her. I hated Kevin for that.

" What did you say? Repeat it." I said and he chuckled.

" I was joking, dude. Let is go." He said.

" No, I won't. You don't have any right to joke about someone else's religion. It's their personal matter and why are you calling her a terrorist?! Do you have any specific proof about that? Did you see her hurting someone? Did you see her spreading terrorism? I have never even seen her to talk anyone with a high tone. You have too many friends Kevin but may be you forget when last month your mom got sick she was with us in the hospital whole night, when Gina lost her record book she helped her to find it out without even thinking twice about the exam next morning, then that day when Chelsea got sick in between that important lecture she left class and took her home. I can give you many more examples about her kindness and generosity. Now if wearing a scarf makes me a terrorist like her then let it be. I don't find a sweet soul like her in the whole class. If you find me like her then I am also a terrorist. What can you do about it?" I asked him.

" I was joking, dude." He said.

" No. You have to understand this is very sensitive topic and you can't joke on a topic like this. Now go sit somewhere else I hate you now. I can't see your face for some moments. If you want me to forgive you then go and say sorry to Mariam and never bully her again. If I find you bullying her with them then I will bury you under 6 feet of ground." I said and he nodded weakly. I looked away from him. He really had irritated me this time. I just don't want to forgive him that easily. So that he understands the value of people's feelings and emotions. You can't buy them with any amount of money if you hurt them once you won't be able to fix it properly.

I have told him thousand of times that I don't like their unnecessary teasing and bullying to that girl. She doesn't protest that doesn't mean you have to keep bothering her all the time. They so blind to see that how nice she is. It may not work on them but I am not a fool like them. I know what's right and what's wrong. I will never act like a stupid mannerless person. Cause I have gotten the right one. I won't act like stupid teenager because we all are matured here to understand that we shouldn't intrude into anyone's personal issue. 

The exam started. My brain was already tensed then I fought with Kevin. It was totally messed up. But I managed it. I hope I can pass. I was enough confident when I gave my paper away. Let's just hope that I can pass. Can't God be a bit kind towards the medical students!!! I am still working hard to manage myself with this life.

I don't know how a lazy girl like me is studying medical. May be God makes the way easier for the lazy people. But still it's hard for me. Then I wonder how hard it is to them who are not lazy!!! They didn't get any facilities from God. Yeah, I am crazy. I know that.

I saw Sophia going out of the class with Crystal. Yes, there is another Crystal in our class. It's weird calling your own name to other people. It was awkward at first but now it's alright. We have became habitual with this.

" Sophia!!!" I called her.

" Hey!!! How was your exam?" She asked me.

" Not that good. I know you will top." I said. " Hey, Criss." I said to Crystal and she giggled. This girl keeps laughing all the time. Her name should be laughing gas.

" It was so so. Not that good." She said. " I have some works. I better leave now. Bye, Sophie, bye Crisscross." She said. I chuckled. Then turned to Sophia glaring at her. She raised het eyebrows.

" What's wrong, girl?" She asked me.

" You rejected Eugene? How can you react him? He is a perfectionist. You guys match each other." I said to her and she chuckled.

" I didn't reject him. He did." She said.

" What?!! Why will he do that?" I asked him.

" Because he likes you." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" He?!" I asked and she nodded. "Likes me?!" I asked her. She nodded again.

" Are you drunk?" I asked her and she chuckled.

" Think it and match the broken parts. You might discover it yourself." She said.

" Impossible!!" I said.

" It's not." She said. " It's true."

" I don't trust you." I said.

" Then you can test it." She said.

" Well how?" I asked her and she gave me an idea to test him.

Should I do it or should I not?!!

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