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Crystal's POV

" What do you mean?" I asked Tris.

" I mean that he will explain that. What do you think about him anyway?" He asked me.

" Who me?! He is a nice guy this why I wanted to fix him with Sophia but he rejected her. I don't know now how to make him understand that he needs to concentrate and fix things before it's too late. He won't find out a girl like Sophia. She is perfect." I said and Sophia rolled her eyes.

" He loves you. Me be in his life is never going to happen." She said and I sighed.

" It's not truth." I said.

" How do you know that?" Tris asked Sophia.

" Your friend has told himself." She said to her.

" Really? When?" He asked.

" When he said he can't be in a relationship with me. I realized myself cause his eyes were following her only. Nothing else." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" You have seen something wrong." I said.

" I didn't. It's true." She told me.

" Let's go have a coffee." I said. I can't win this debate with Sophia. She is way too advanced than me.

" Do you know any coffee shop nearby?" Tris asked me.

" I know almost all the coffee shop in Milan." I said.

" You are Google map then." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" What's wrong with that?" I asked him.

" Nothing is wrong with that. It's good though." He said.

" I don't think you have any unknown place in Milan because you keep roaming around randomly." Sophia said to me. I chuckled.

" I love to roam around the city alone. It's fun." I said.

" Oh, so you are adventurous!! I see." He said.

" What's wrong with that?" I asked.

" Nothing is wrong with that. Why do you think there should be something wrong about that?"  He asked me.

" Because some people doesn't like that. My own dad doesn't like that what can I say about the others?" I said sadly.

" You don't have to do anything about it. Your dad must be worried about you that this nature may hurt you someday which is not at all impossible. You might get hurt somehow. This is why he wants to stop you. Nothing else." He said.

" I know." I said and touched my cheek mindlessly. Then sighed deeply.

" Why are you wearing a scarf in this hot summer?" Sophia asked me.

" Just like that." I said.

" You are weird." Sophia said.

" Being weird is profitable. No one will ask you did you do something you shouldn't do." I said and she sighed. " We are here." I said showing the café."

" That's great." Tris said.

" Where is Eugene?" I asked him.

" He has a board meeting today." He said as we entered the café.

" How do you know him by the way? You both live in different countries" I asked him.

" Family friends." He said.

" Oh. Is that family friend or both of family and friends?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" Both family and friends." He said.

" Oh, are you both cousins?" I asked him.

" No not cousins. His aunt is my sister in law." He said. I chuckled.

" Oh, that's it?" I said.

" Not just that it's very complicated. If I tell you, you will have a headache. It's better not to tell you now. You may understand in future." He said.

" That's ok then. I don't want to have a headache now because it's my exam going on." I said and he chuckled.

" It's alright. I am not going to tell you anyways." He said.

" Ok. Let's order first. I am missing my bae." I said and Sophia twisted her lips.

" I can't believe you are a doctor still this addicted to coffee. Girl, such amount of caffeine is not good for your health." She said.

" I know it's not." I said but a few years back I have met a cardiologist who was a chain-smoker. If he can handle nicotine then why can't I handle caffeine?! Coffee is beverage not narcotic. Chill." I said to her and he rolled her eyes.

" I didn't want to know about the classifications of crops from you? Just control this habit." She said.

" I won't." I said.

" You are crazy. What can we do?" She asked.

" Nothing." She said.

We had our coffee and Sophia left as she remembered some important things to do.

" So, what are you doing here in Milan? Are you on vacation? I miss Dany. I wish Dany could come as well. He could help me a lot in my mission." I said.

" Which mission?" He asked me. I gestured him to come forward. He leaned a bit.

" It's secret. Can't tell you." I said and he rolled his eyes.

" You could have told that from afar as well. There was no use of making a suspension." He said. I chuckled.

" I am just on a mission that can join my broken family again." I said.

" Oh, all the best. I wonder how will Eugene handle you?" He asked me.

" Why does he needs to handle me? I can handle myself." I said.

" You can't this why you need a Eugene Roberts." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" From how long do you know him?" I asked him.

" Since I was 5." He said.

" That's long." I said.

" Yes, and since then we are best friends." He said.

" I can understand." I sighed. I had a best friend but never thought he is this low. " Your parents have also come with you?" I asked him. He chuckled sadly.

" Neither I am a kid nor my parents can come with me." He said.

" Why so?" I asked him. He just smiled a bit.

" Cause they died long back when I was a little kid." He said and my eyes widened.

" Oh, I am sorry, I am sorry. I didn't... Didn't mean to hurt you." I said softly. I am a crazy bi*ch asking that. I am so clumsy.

" It's ok. You don't have to be sorry." He said.

" Still I am sorry." I said. He chuckled.

" You know what as it's almost confirmed that you are joining the clan soon I wanted to tell you something." He said.

" What is the clan?" I asked.

" You don't have understand that now. But I am telling you that like I am Eugene's friend I am your friend too. And if you ever I mean ever think that you need my help then ask for it without any hesitation. You will never be disappointed." He said.

" Really?" I asked him.

" I give you my words." He said honestly crossing his heart.

TJL#19# Tale Of A Lonely PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now