The Real Game

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Crystal's POV

" Gosh!!! This is hell. I will definitely slit the person's throat who has played this double game with your parents." Sophia said as I told her everything. I trust her as a friend. She is very smart may be she can give me an awesome idea. I can't think anything.

" Yes. Me too." I said.

" Don't worry. We will reunite them and none can stop us." She said and I nodded.

" But don't know what to do." I said to her.

" If we can somehow learn their love story we could recreate them bringing all the memories back." Sophia said.

" For that we have to keep Mamma C at our house for days which is almost impossible. You know why." I said.

" Don't worry. We will find out a way. Let me think. You too think." She said.

We kept thinking. I couldn't think anything useful as my thoughts were stuck on my Mr. Cool. I was missing him as hell. He went to Venice for some works. He said he will be back by tomorrow but I must have made an awkward habit of meeting him everyday. So, I was missing my sweetheart badly. When will he come back?!!

Concentrate, stupid!!! My brain said. I rolled my eyes.

" Don't your aunt know anything about your parents? How lovey dovey they were?" Sophia asked me.

" I don't know. I have never asked her." I said.

" We should ask her then." She said. " Let's go downstairs." She said pulling me with her. I sighed. 

" Where is your aunt?" She asked me.

" I don't know. May be she has gone to school." I said.

" Oh, why today!!" She said like she missed the tickets of Taylor Swift's concert near her.

" Because, it's Thursday. She has school to attend. Not like us lazily sitting all the day." I said.

" It's college vacation." She said.

" What's now?" I asked her.

" Nothing I was just thinking if anyone else knows about these." She said.

" I don't think so." I said.

" Hmm .. no worries. We will ask your aunty when she comes back." She said.

" Sure." I said to her.

" We need to find out if your mom really had any mental issues that time. Give me a copy of her medical reports that time. I will discuss it with my mom." She said.

" Thea has all of those reports." I said to her.

" Ok, let's wait until she comes back." She said and kept pacing back and forth. Thinking about something very deeply. " Your parents love you so much, right?" She asked me suddenly stopping on the place.

" Yes, they do." I said.

" They will do anything for you, right?" She asked me.

" Anything and everything." I said to her.

" Great then." She said.

" What is going on inside your skull box?" I asked her.

" What if suddenly you get sick? Won't your mom be here and take care of you by her own?" She asked me.

" Not sure. May be she will come if I am seriously ill." I said. " But why are you asking me about that?" I asked her.

" Because, I wanted to make sure about something." She said.

" Make sure about what?" I asked her.

" That how much your parents do love you." She said.

" They do more than anything else." I said.

" This love will reunite them. No worries." She said.

" But how?" I asked her.

" I will tell you. But I wanted to tell you something about this which is completely my own opinion. Don't mind." She said.

" Sure. What is that?" I asked.

" I think someone very close to your parents is involved in this case. Someone who don't want them to be together. Someone who wants to hurt them badly by separating them from each other." She said. " I think that's not a plan of a single person. A group of people is involved in this matter." She said.

" I don't know. How will we find it out?" I asked her.

" I have a plan." She said.

" What kind of plan?" I asked.

" It depends." She said.

" Depends on what?" I asked her.

" On your acting skill." She said.

" My acting skill?!" I said and she nodded.

" How is it? Superhit? Flop or zero?" She asked me.

" Zero. Completely zero." I said to her.

" We have to manage this." She said.

" How will we mange this?" I asked her.

" I was thinking about trapping your parents in this trick." She said.

" What?! No trapping my parents." I said.

" Huh!! Listen to me first. Don't react already." She said to me.

" What is the plan?" I asked her.

" If we make this plan successful then you have to get sick." She said.

" Me?! Why will I get sick?" I asked her.

" Urrrghh!!! It will be completely drama. If you get sick then your mom will be here. Then we can do 2 things." I said.

" Which 2 things?" I asked her.

" One, we can make your parents come closer recreating their love story, two, we can find out if your mom really has any of mental issues." She said.

" How will we figure it out if she has any mental issues or not?" I asked her.

" You forgot my cousin Max. He is a psychiatrist." She said.

" Oh, yes. I totally forgot about him." I said. " Where is he now a days?" I asked her.

" He is in Rome these days. We can call him as we can trust on him totally in this matter with your mom's case. We can't trust anyone else." She said and I nodded.

" Alright." I said.

" So. Listen to me." She explained all her plan to me. I nodded smilingly. I think I can do it.

" I am in." I said.

" Just involve Thea and Torren in this. No one else. You can tell Eugene. But tell him not to interfere. Cause I have a doubt this can reveal some dark truth of Kingsley family and their closest friends. I just don't want it gets more messed. May be the enemies try to lure Eugene as well." She said.

" Eugene is not a kid. He knows things better. But if you are talking about his reputation then I will keep it secret." I said to her.

" Good girl." She said.

" Always. East or West C is the best." I said and she chuckled.

" So, tomorrow morning you will get seriously sick. Won't you?" She asked me.

" I am already feeling sick. Check my temperature." I said.

" Stop over acting." She said rolling her eyes. " Remember you will not leave home even if they force you to admit in the hospital until your mom comes to see you here. Then Torren or Thea will call me. I will come to see you. The real game will start then." She said.

" You are evil." She said.

" I know. It's fun to play game with an evil with same dare. Isn't it?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

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