Think About It

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Crystal's POV

I was trying to sleep. But sleep was far away from me. Why hasn't Mr. Cool come to see me?! Did he forget me me?! How can he do that?!!! I pouted. Come on, Mr. Cool, how can you forget C?! C is just so upset with you now.

I was waiting for him. I miss him so much. It's been more than 3 hours since I have woken up but he wasn't there. Doctor wanted to inject me to make me sleep but I avoided that pretending that I am already sleeping only because I wanted to see Mr. Cool but he wasn't here. How cruel!!! Where are you Mr. Cool?!!

Suddenly the door opened slowly. Is it Mr. Cool?! Is that you, Mr. Cool?! I slightly opened my eyes to see if it was Mr. Cool, but I found it's the nurse. She checked if I am ok then pulled the duvet on me properly before she left. I sighed deeply.

Mr. Cool has really forgotten me?! No, he can't. He loves me, right?! He will come to see me. He definitely will. I shouldn't think stupid. Try to sleep, C. Your brain is working stupidly. You need to sleep. You have lost a lot of blood. You need to heal yourself at first.

I am very thankful to God that. I am alive. If I wouldn't then I didn't get a chance to meet him again to say him how much I love him. I need to tell him that I loved him so much. I can't describe that in words. I need to clarify this to him. They say action speaks louder than words can but I think sometimes we just have to speak out that in words. Because without confession feelings can get a perfect definition. So, I need to speak it out.

I don't know when I slept. I wake up when felt someone caressing my hair. I slowly opened my eyes. I was still sleepy. I closed my eyes but I felt a kiss on my forehead and I knew who it was.

" You are late, Mr. Cool." I whispered slowly as I opened my eyes to see him. I raised right head which was free from IV tube. I touched his cheek. " I was waiting.." I said and stopped to see his face. He was looking into my eyes deeply that I felt like he could touch my soul. "..for you." I completed my sentence. But he didn't say anything. He kept looking at me. " Say something." I said and he hold my hand with both of his hands. Then kissed on it.

" I... I was ..was scared." He stuttered.

Unbelievable!!! Mr. Cool is stuttering!!! He is enough confident. I don't like to see him stuttering.

" Come here." I extended my arm to hug him. He buried his face on my neck and I wrapped my arm around his back. I caressed his back. " If you want then you can share it with me." I whispered in his ear. He broke the hug but kept looking at me closely.

" You scared me like hell." He whispered after a long pause.

" I am sorry." I said to him.

" You should be sorry. You have to." He said.

" Yes, I am." I nodded.

" You need to take rest. Come on sleep." He said.

" I am sleeping for long. I don't want to sleep now." I said to him.

" Then what do you want to do?" He asked me.

" I want to know something. It is confusing me like hell since long." I said to him.

" And that is?" He asked me.

" Why were they trying to kill us? Do you know anything about this?" I asked him.

" A long story. When your mom was a student then there were an accusation against some people that they were trading human body parts. Some of the students, teachers and doctors were also involved in this. Your mom was one of the eyewitnesses of this case and their family members were involved in this case. They were given death penalty according to your mom's statement. This why they were seeking revenge on your family." He said and I was shocked.

They were already wrong and their families supported them like this!?! If I would have done something like this then my family would have disowned me long back. I sighed deeply.

" They killed an innocent kid just because of that weird reason?! They were supporting those criminals?!" I said unbelievably.

" Yes, seems like that." He said.

" They made us suffer all these years. My parents suffered the most in this. And I was left alone. I can't believe someone can be this cruel." I said.

" They were holding your parents the reason behind their loses." He said.

" Really?! I understand that my mom was the witness this why they hold grudges against her but what has my dad ever done to them?" I asked him.

" Because Kingsley family filed the case against them as the hospital and college both were their property that time. They had all right to do so." He said.

" Good that they have done it. They deserved to be punished." I said. He sighed deeply. " What happened?" I asked him.

" Why are you this fearless?! Like nothing can scare you." He said.

" I am like that. I was born fearless just like my dad. I can't help it now, can I?" I asked him.

" No, you can't." He said. " Did you know that you have dextrocardia?" He asked me.

" Yes, I knew it. I keep telling you that C is special. Why didn't you take me seriously then?! You should have trust me. C never lies." I said smilingly.

" Never?!" He raised one of his eyebrows.

" Ok, she seldom lies." I accepted.

" Good." He said.

" Where were you all that time?" I asked him.

" I was handling the cops. I thought you need your parents the most that time. So, I took care of it so that they can be here with you." He said.

I smiled softly. I just love this guy. He is way too perfect. Can I thank God enough for making my match with him?!! I need to do something special for him which he deserves. I surely have to think about it. The sooner the better.

TJL#19# Tale Of A Lonely PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora