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Crystal's POV

" Who told this to you?" I asked Sophia.

" He himself did." She said.

" He might didn't want you this why he told that. But I don't find any reason behind disliking you at all." I said.

" He doesn't want me because he wants you. Only you. Nothing going to change his mind because his eyes are already on you. No other beauty can distract him. I don't want to be the third wheel." She said.

" It's not like that. Why do you always jump on the conclusion without thinking anything?" I asked her.

" cause it's the truth only. I know he likes you. The way he looks at you tells everything very clearly." She said.

" How does he look at me?! He looks at me weirdly because I am very weird. I keep irritating people with my irritating words." I said and chuckled.

" You have a wrong idea about him. Do what I have said. You will see what happens." She said and I twisted my lips. 

" What if you are wrong, then?" I asked her.

" If I am wrong then you can do anything you want to do with me. I won't mind." She said.

" If you are wrong then you have to date with George." I said and she glared at me. I smiled sweetly.

George has a big crush on Sophia. Many other guys have crush on her but George is like openly confessing his crush on Sophia every chance that he gets. He never failed to surprise Sophia which she hates so much. Then there comes his keeps irritating her all the time is really annoying. I said that just to irritate her. But I know that I shouldn't be irritating her. Then also what can I do if I am an evil sometimes!!! I can't help myself, right?

" And if I am right then?" She asked me.

" If you are right then I will start to date with Eugene. Simple." I said smirking at her.

" You are annoying as hell." She said and I chuckled.

" Yes, I do know that." I said to her.

" Now let's go find out that stupid Kevin and tell him about the plan." She said.

" I am angry would him. He was joking around about Mariam. So i I scolded him good." I said.

" You did right. If I were you I would have slapped him hard." She said.

" This why he doesn't joke around you. He is afraid of getting heard kicks on his face." I said to her.

" Yeah, he knows it better that if he does something wrong in front of me then he might get a good from me. But where is the stupid now?" Shesaid and I saw him talking to Mariam.

" Is he bullying her again?" Sophia asked me.

" Don't know. Let's go and show him how does it feel to get bones broken." I said and walked towards Kevin.

" What's going on here?" I asked as soon as I reached them.

" Hi, Crystal and Sophia. Do you guys know what's wrong with Kevin?" Mariam asked us.

" Why? What happened?" I asked her.

" He is saying sorry to me without any reason. I don't know what made him do that. He always keeps throwing words on me." She said and chuckled. "Sorry is a big word for me, Kevin. Keep that to yourself. I don't need any sorry. If you can then stop throwing words on me." She said. " Bye, guys. I have to pick my brother up from school. See you tomorrow." She said and left.

TJL#19# Tale Of A Lonely PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now