Universal Feelings

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Benedict's POV

" It suits you better, Mr. Kingsley." Eugene said and I chuckled inwardly.

Crystal was right about him. He is way to perfect but my only question is how does he manage to be okay with Crystal?! She is way too crazy and completely opposite of him. They are like pole apart. Like he talk too less only when he needs to and all knows how Crystal talks non-stop if she starts.

I mean I am not complaining. She is the best daughter in this whole world. Not every children will be ready to sacrifice their life for their parents. Whenever I think about Crystal it makes me so proud that she is my daughter. Not everyone is lucky to have a child like my little girl. She is more than precious to me. I think both Candice and I have done something very very good that God was too happy that he gift us a daughter like her.

" You think so?" I asked him.

" Yes, it's perfect." He said.

" Alright then let's pick it." I said.

" I will go and tell them that we will take this one." He said.

" Are you trying to avoid me?" I asked him raising one of my eyebrows. He looked at me then shook his head a bit.

" No, I am not, Mr. Kingsley." He said.

" Then you should have talked to me. But you are not talking that much. Are you uncomfortable with me?" I asked him.

" No, no. Nothing like that. Actually-" he stopped.

" Actually?!" I asked him.

" Actually, Crystal called me she told me that your mood is off for some reason. So, I am trying not to irritate you more." He said.

Yeah, Candice pulled a fight this morning without any reasons. She said sorry later texting me but I didn't reply her. She kept calling but I didn't answer her. She needs to understand that she can't do it all the time. She does it for fun I know but sometimes it irritates me as hell.

But this Roberts boy is way too matured. He avoided the topic very smoothly. I chuckled inwardly. He has got a brain.

" Yes, I was. But it's ok. You don't have to worry about that." I said. He nodded his head politely. " Do you talk less for real or you are really not comfortable with me?" I asked him.

" I am comfortable with handling any kind of situation, Mr. Kingsley. But I try not to talk and waste time." He said.

" Then what do you think about Crystal? She keeps talking without any reason almost the time. Do you think she is wasting her time?" I asked him.

" You take me wrong, Mr. Kingsley. I was talking about my nature. Talking less is in my nature and I can't change it. Actually I don't want to. And as for Crystal being talkative is her nature. And that's what makes her unique. No one can be the same in this world. If everyone would be the same then God didn't create all these people." He said. I chuckled and nodded.

" Good. I can understand what you were saying. Just tried to test you a bit." I said.

" Did I pass the test?" He asked smilingly.

" You got the highest score." I chuckled at his childish question.

Alright it's necessary to have a kid inside you. If you keep acting seriously all the time it won't help you at all.

" Thanks God. Otherwise I would be in trouble." He mumbled.

" What kind of trouble?" I asked him.

" Crystal warned me not to irritate you. So you can understand what kind of trouble." He said. I chuckled.

We finished shopping and I came back home. I was searching for the crazy woman but suddenly I heard a squeal and someone hugged me from back tightly. I knew who it was. My little girl.

TJL#19# Tale Of A Lonely Princessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن