Not My Trap

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"Fuck, Mizery turn the saw off and quit playing" Aiden swore

"But I like to play. Want you play with me Aiden?" I laughed .

"When I get loose Miz, you're so fucking dead. That's a promise" .

"Enough crying Aiden. All you have to do is tell me what I want to know. Simple as that. My family is here but their at your parent's house rescuing them. I secretly followed them here and came here to find out what I need to know. I assumed you was at your parent's home so now was the perfect time to snoop. Never did I think I'd walk in to this trainwreck. I guess I should thank Esmeralda for helping me out. After All she did all of the hard work by capturing you. Basically she laid you in my hands. Now tell me who the masked people are?" I said with a tinge of mirth.

" You're fucking crazy. I don't know anything about the masked people not your grandparents. Understand this you hard headed fool". He hissed.

"Wrong answer Aiden. Esmeralda claims they are staying at your hotel. You can't lie to me". I said as my hand gripped the chains preparing to lower him.

" Don't you dare Mizery. Release me now". Aiden ordered.

Tugging on the chains I lowered him closer to the saw. "Either you spill the truth or I spill your guts. Choice is yours babe".

"I'm serious Mizery. When I'm free you will pay". He growled and I could see anger begin to cloud his eye's.

" Oh, is he mad or is he big mad? " I taunted.

In a fit of frustration Aiden begin to squirm in a attempt to free himself. "Tell me Aiden, that's all you have to do".

" Fuck you and the hole you crawled out of". He boomed.

"Oh, okay. Fuck me? No, fuck you". I snarled and lowered the chain several inches fastly.

Aiden arched his back to avoid grazing the saw. His body was so close to the blade that a simple sneeze could end his life. "Ready to talk yet?"

" I swear bitch I will kill you. I'll tear you limb from fucking crazy limb".

"Goodbye Aiden" . I said and grabbed the chains.

Just as I was about to lower him once more the door burst open and my Pape along with Dem and Aiden's parent's rushed in. Thinking fast I shut the saw off and pretended to be winded. "What took so long. I just saved Aiden. Let's get him down".

His father raced over to him as I faced the death glares my family sent me. "The fuck you doing here?" My Pape demanded to know.

" I had to help. None of you ever include me in on any of the business deal's and I'm sick of it. Pape I'm strong and smart. I can do this". I insisted.

Of course that was only partially the truth but I'd never tell my exact reasons for coming. Suddenly I lurched forward from a strong shove in my back. "She's a fucking lie. She was trying to murder my ass. This isn't the first time either. It's the third".

Confused looks filled the room and I have Aiden a don't you dare look. "Why would my daughter want to kill you?" My Pape asked.

I stared hard at Aiden trying to place fear into him. His reply was to cross his arm's and give me a shit eating grin. "Apparently Mizery has it in her mind that I know the masked people as well as have information about her grandparents. For month's now she's placed attempts on my life. I have proof if you need it. She recently came here and tried to threaten me but I sent her safely back home. Obviously she slipped back here with you guy's" .

My family looked at me demanding answers. "Mizery, is this true?" My Pape asked in a no nonsense tone .

Sneering at Aiden I yelled. "Yes but he knows, they all know. I'm trying to help us".

" Mizery, what are you thinking? You can't just assume such thing's ". My Pape stated sternly then looked at Severo.

" Our apologies. Mizery will be dealt with accordingly and you have my word that she will not bother you again". My Pape said before turning to me.

"Our men will escort you back to our plane. You're in deep shit little girl and will be punished once home. Now get to stepping".

I glared at Aiden who was beaming. "This is far from over". I spat then lunged at him.

My Pape broke my connection and shoved me into his men's arm's. "Get her out of here now".

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